The Modern Hunter and the US of A

I thought you were selling it (or selling everything you have almost!)?

There is no doubt that ATRS put out a solid product (that's why I have some of their AT firearms), but at the same time, stating that they make a better product than Les Baer and JP Enterprises is, well, big words. I would be interested in knowing how, impartially of course, this came to be concluded.

Such points of comparison as:

- Long term durability
- Fit and Finish comparison
- Results of competitions (all disciplines included) nationally, internationally
- How they differentiate themselves with their Customer Service

The list could go on of course, but I think you get what I'm saying.
That's as strong (if not bold) of a statement as I've ever seen one.

Yes it is and I stand by it. And to be clear I am not in any way knocking the 2 example manufacturers, their products are high quality for sure.
Our machine tolerances are the tightest on the market. That does not mean our guns are tight, what I am saying is that we do not believe in any plus or minus .00? dimensions in our machine work. It is spot on the specified dimension or junked.
As for customer support NO US based or off shore company can compete with locally for support, assuming that the local cares to provide it. We do!

Case in point the recent release of our MH rifle. True we experienced some minor issues, as any new production article will experience but they were solved and reported to folks in many cases before they even knew of the problem they had replacement parts.
Call most firearms manufacturers for loading data, tips or assistance with something not really their problem and see what that gets you.

What we do here is not for fame and profit, it is for love of firearms. We could make ALOT more fame and fortune making other stuff.
That is utter crap. There are premium AR builders in the USA that do quite well. The challenge for ATRS would be whether or not they'd buy a non american premium rifle that has little in the way of history.

no no no my friend the norm will purchase what is cheapest just like people here buying that Chinese Chit! I will agree protectionism is live and well unlike here in Canada.
I thought you were selling it (or selling everything you have almost!)?

There is no doubt that ATRS put out a solid product (that's why I have some of their AT firearms), but at the same time, stating that they make a better product than Les Baer and JP Enterprises is, well, big words. I would be interested in knowing how, impartially of course, this came to be concluded.

Such points of comparison as:

- Long term durability
- Fit and Finish comparison
- Results of competitions (all disciplines included) nationally, internationally
- How they differentiate themselves with their Customer Service

The list could go on of course, but I think you get what I'm saying.

I was selling and have sold almost all of it as I have been in contact with a fellow CGNer since he got his back in late winter/early spring, and has been wavering back and forth week to week on whether he should keep or sell it.

Finally got him to commit so everything I had that was not a necessity was listed, as soon as funds reached an acceptable limit I drove to edmonton and paid the man.

So no its not new, but its everything I wanted and I skipped waiting until December/January and saved a few hundred on the scope, mount, mags, and case that was included. Also got me a custom serial. Also gave me a pretty reasonable deal on 600 rounds of hornady 168gr zmax.

I added the Troys, Lantac, and Atlas.

I have yet to shoot it, but its already launched miles ahead of my other rifles in the favoritism race, which I didn't think was possible as the Tavor and ACR are already pretty tough to beet and have pretty similar total build costs to my MH, all totalling in between 5-6.5k
no no no my friend the norm will purchase what is cheapest just like people here buying that Chinese Chit! I will agree protectionism is live and well unlike here in Canada.

Indeed... However, the point I was trying to make is that the premium brand / custom rifle crowd is not the same as the cheap norc/NEA crowd. Anyone that would spend $3000+ on an American rifle would spend it on a MH... Americans are protectionist in nearly everything (wish we were the same in some things), so ATRS would have to "prove" themselves. Wouldn't be hard, because they are solid engineers with an excellent rep. So if they were allowed to sell in the USA, that would be the only challenge ... Nothing else IMO

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