Calgary TSE Pistol Clinic Monday 14 Sept 2015 - Debrief here!


CGN Ultra frequent flyer
Georgian Bay, ON
It's official, I'm coming out WEST to TSE in Calgary. TSE Jr has been so accommodating to host me for three days of clinics and this one is the pistol clinic. :eek:

Edmonton Garrison Pistol Shooters:

This year we are having any participants from the Soldier ON program attend all my clinics for FREE! Come one out and have fun with us! :)


The Shooting Edge in Calgary. Here's a link to their website:


Monday 14 September 2015. One day of pistol instruction


$ 50 for the DAY


Gather for 0830
Casual Start at 0900
Lunch at 12ish to 1ish...
Ending at 1600

Registration and Payment:

EMT the $50 to me with this information:

Name: Tactical Teacher
Question: What was your OLD CGN handle?
Answer: hungry
Email: hungry556 AT

Somewhere in the EMT, remind me of your CGN handle AND which clinic it's for (PR or CQB or M14 or pistol or carbine)

Short Term ATT Arrangements for TSE

Things are different for us Ontario ATT procedures. I believe you guys have to arrange your own Short Term ATT to bring your restricted firearms to TSE.

What is involved:

* Safety
* Basic pistol handling
* Basic positioning
* Dominant eye determination
* Elementary drills
* Snap shooting (timed exposures)
* Rapid fire shooting (timed exposures)
* Magazine changes
* Gear selection, organization, manipulation, evolution
* Various position shooting
* Introduction to Service Pistol Course of Fire from NSCC Rulebook
* This clinic will NOT be covering drawing from the holster. Take a Black Badge Course or other Advanced Curriculum. :) I will be delivering a basic pistol handling clinic tailored for beginners eager to try the competition challenge in the future.

Things to bring for Day Clinic:

* Proven, tested , reliable pistol
* 2 magazines minimum (3 is great), but 2 will work fine)
* belt , holster (Level I or II retention is suggested)
* electronic ear defenders are recommended
* Personal range bag to hold your necessary range gear
* Spare ear defenders
* Ballistic glasses are recommended
* notebook, pens, digital camera
* Pistol lubricant (oil, CLP, lube), grease?
* Snacks, drinks
* 200 rounds of reliable and safe pistol ammunition
* screwdriver set, basic tools to strip / assemble your pistol (if necessary)
* a rag or two for wiping down you pistol in between shooting relays


Bring them on! I specialize in newbies! :evil:

Cheers and warm regards, :wave:

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Wow, my brain is full after a day of pistol work & introduction to DCRA cqb competition. it definitely lets you know what you need to work on. the benefit/drawback of a small course is lots of personal attention and trigger time/ you hammer though ammo at a surprising pace.
making my notes while its still fresh then recharge for carbine tomorrow. I can hardly wait!
thanks again hungry.
Special note to anyone attending one of these courses; Bring lots of ammo, I'm talking twice the recommended amount, it's worth it.
Double the suggested amount of ammo ? Well, it's more like TRIPLE that suggested amount because we had such a smart and "on point" class of shooters today willing and able to UP their game. ;)

Whatever game you shoot or whatever your comfort level, these clinics are about busting out of your (metaphor warning) "shoebox" of a comfort level. Don't just remain there on the bench (rest) and get comfortable. Come on out and learn to shoot with intensity. Why? Because we can!

Remember that even if "Nice hair" is not ready, he's "Just IN".... :)

So for the rest of you shooters... what was your "AHA" moment ?

What was your "Holy poop!" Moment ? What lesson brought you to the next level?

Can't see why anyone wouldn't take this course. It's adaptable to all levels. As mentioned several times above, bring lots of ammo. Barney says 200, bring 400.

"Aha" for me was probably recognizing that the timed exposures used in competition have practical application and are relevant in training, even if competition is not the goal.

"Holy poop!" moment, that's easy, shooting with my weak hand. I could barely keep it on the paper!

Thanks, again Barney. Hopefully next year I'll have a AR to take to your Carbine Clinic.

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