New Range Ventilation is in! Time to breathe some fresh air!

Target Sports Canada

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Gormley, Ontario
Our renovation on the ventilation system is finally complete and, sufficed to say, is a much needed breath of fresh air.

Anyone remember that cordite smell upon entering the range area? It's being pumped out at a speedy rate, giving a gentle breeze behind the shooters.

Also, those murky hot days are a thing of the past as the new HVAC units are providing the ranges with air conditioning in the summer, and heat in the winter!

You are now welcome to shoot rifle calibres up to .308! Just make sure if you're planning on shooting 7.62x39 or other military calibers, that you are not permitted to use steel core, or steel jacketed ammunition (Which 99% of all corrosive surplus is). Steel case is fine.

If you're in the area, stop by and give our facility a whirl. The next planned upgrades will be new stalls and a new target retrieval system in the fall. Once that is in, we're a completely new range!

Also, to note, there might be the odd date within the next week that we will have to tweak the HVAC system, which will mean brief closure of affected ranges, so give us a call if you're planning on visiting us just to make sure we're up to 100% operational capacity.

See you soon!

- Shervin@TSC
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I am not a member there but I am thinking of joining. I am excited to sell the upgrades and how the management have been very communicative and professional.
Dropped by today, bore sighted my 308 (I know it's overkill at 25yrds) but needed to ensure my scope is somewhat sighted. The ventilation really made a difference. No black soot residue after!
Dropped by today, bore sighted my 308 (I know it's overkill at 25yrds) but needed to ensure my scope is somewhat sighted. The ventilation really made a difference. No black soot residue after!

YAY! My nose would get all stuffy after a couple hours shooting. Ughhh.
Got a chance to go by today. Love the new system. Didn't break a sweat and didn't smell like sulfur afterwards, like I normally did with the old system. Can't wait for the rest of the upgrades to be complete.
I want to thank J.R. Cox for his investment to upgrade the range. Your efforts are greatly appreciated and as a member I think they have gone a long way to make the range better than many indoor ranges. I am looking forward to the final puzzle pieces falling into place.

I dropped by the other day for the first time since the new HVAC was installed. The air quality is exponentially better than it was before. The HVAC was by far the club's biggest problem and now it is so much nicer to be on the range. I noticed that the giant floor fans were on and blowing air down range. Why are they still needed?
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