Wasp 223/556 issues!


Hi everyone, has anyone has any issues with the wasp reloads? I have issues when trying to manually eject the round after dropping the magazine. Tried norinco brass and steel, American eagle, Remington, and everything else functions as expected. Looking to hear others feedback - maybe bad batch of brass
This is high quality stuff. I'm sure it's just a bad round

ive gone through 2 boxes so far --- 100 rnds
we've clean and relubed the gun twice between 2 different range trips, had 2 guys at CSC take a peak at the gun to determine the same thing --- ammo

any other suggestions?
clever. correct. need to remedy the 900 rounds i have

We will make this right for you - don't worry about that! I will contact you shortly. We're always interested in hearing feedback though - feel free to continue the thread!
Going to get a bit more methodical here. So I've degreased, cleaned, relubed the ddmk18. I managed to save 6 rounds from the box of the last go around where they failed to manually eject once the mag was dropped, I am hoping to allow wasp to inspect these themselves. I've also saves 6 norinco (brass case) from the box that worked fine. I am going to open one more box of the wasp and see if I continue to get the problem ($25 dice roll). I am going to open a new box of norinco and do the same. I plan to save all the spent brass to examine afterward.

Kate has graciously offered to store credit the unopened wasp boxes I have, unfortunately I think only half was kept in boxes. I think I will attempt to get several different brands from her and continue the experiment. My friend has the same rifle (dd mk18) and I want to run through the different brands concurrently from the same box. This should give us access to enough data to determine if it is the rifle or brand. We also have access to several magazines to rule out that issue. The results might take a few weeks as the only day I might be able to get there is sat and there are some holidays to plana range day around.

I hope that the above will satisfy those curious, as well as allow wasp to respond with more data
That sucks. I've ran about 500 rounds with not a single issue.

It's bizarre, they fire fine, eject fine, etc. The only issue is one in the chamber, drop mag, try to mannually eject last round and its binded, like no movement on the charging handle. Have to fire last round to eject it (did not try mortar technique), and it works fine.
Sounds almost like your chamber is cut short, or the brasses shoulder wasn't quite bumped enough in sizing. I had the same happen to me with an XCR-M with my hand loads. Except it wouldn't quite go into battery usually when the bolt would get stuck. I switched dies and never looked back. Maybe toss those rounds into a head space guage, also do the same with your chamber.
Sounds almost like your chamber is cut short, or the brasses shoulder wasn't quite bumped enough in sizing. I had the same happen to me with an XCR-M with my hand loads. Except it wouldn't quite go into battery usually when the bolt would get stuck. I switched dies and never looked back. Maybe toss those rounds into a head space guage, also do the same with your chamber.

i dont have a head space gauge, but a very good suggestion - i have the unfired rounds separated and labeled for when i find a friend or time to get to my local range so they can help out.
JD, forgot to add, after an internet search you might be onto something, the chamber, and in particular the leade might be a bit short. But, given the ammo that has been tested has been both 5.56 and .223, and the particular caliber I am having trouble with is the .223 REM 55gr FMJ/BT – if the chamber is outside the spec tolerance of 0.006" I would expect this issue arise with the 5.56 more frequently as the case itself as a longer leade. Appreciate that you are thinking about this though.
Ya, I'd measure the datum line to head on the shoulder and see if headspace is longer than usual..
can't explain why it wouldn't do the exact same thing with the magazine in...

Not sure why the magazine would have any bearing on ejection cycle.. maybe your bolt is doing something different when it doesn't have a round/follower pushing up on it?
So just to confirm, you can manually cycle a full magazine of the Wasp reloads, and cycle rounds out after firing one or more, so long as the magazine is seated in the rifle? ONLY when the magazine is dropped does the loaded, unfired round fail to eject?

That sounds to me like an issue in the action TBH. If it had anything to do with the chamber, headspacing, or sizing (specifically lack thereof) of the rounds, it would be consistent regardless of magazine, no? It is bizarre that other ammo doesn't do the same though, which contradicts that thought process.

After you fire that last round that won't eject manually, does the spent casing eject normally?

Edit: I know this might sound weird, but next time after firing a few rounds, try pulling the charge handle back a bit to see if the loaded round is "free" in the chamber with the magazine still seated, bring the action and the same round back into battery, drop the magazine, and check again to see if it's jammed. This should tell you for sure if it is the rifle or the ammo. I can't imagine the magazine really having anything to do with the stuck round, but this should tell.
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Hey TT270,

I really don't think it is the magazine - we tried several mags and several types of ammo. Only had this issue with the specific ammo.

The round ejects normally after fired, I will have to save a spent case to review and see if it has any markings that might give us some hints.

I mimicked your test with snap caps, good thinking, but everything 'loaded", "fired" and ejceted fine (every combo of mag in, mag out, press check, drop hammer, load on open / closed bolt, etc. No binding. Thanks a lot for.your suggestion
seems odd that on a higher end firearm like this you would run into problems, if indeed it is the rifles fault.

From all reports guys have feed daniels everything and it just eats it up. So I'm inclinded to agree with you! But want to be sure
If you want, I can bring my DD(v4) to CSC on Friday and we can test it to see if the same issue occuers. Can toss some PMC through both as well to test.

thanks for the offer whiteout. i think the soonest i can get to kate is saturday, and i think ill be heading out of town instead.
but the following week - meet a fellow CGNer and fire off some test rounds!
----ill get in touch via PM
It's bizarre, they fire fine, eject fine, etc. The only issue is one in the chamber, drop mag, try to mannually eject last round and its binded, like no movement on the charging handle. Have to fire last round to eject it (did not try mortar technique), and it works fine.

What mags you using?
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