Reloadable 7.62x51 nato

What rifle are you using ? I got the first shipment from Trade-Ex, same stuff. Man, my Norinco M305 love that thing, shoot very accurate, gave me 4 inch grouping at 100 meter by just only Iron sight. I fire about one case, never got jammed, FTF, FET and light primer strike.

DTA SRS Covert in .308. To be honest I've only put about 200 rounds of HT through it and didn't count but would say at least 15 didn't fire on the first attempt.
I've put about 100 Federal and Nosler through it without a single issue. I just think the primers on the Hirtenburger are a bit tougher than the others.

Has no-one else experience the same thing? Or have an opinion on the difference between the two primers (outside of the reloadable issue)?
If I were you, I would give a call to manufacture, explain to them that I got light primer strike on Mil-Spec ammo. Maybe they could do something on that.
DTA SRS Covert in .308. To be honest I've only put about 200 rounds of HT through it and didn't count but would say at least 15 didn't fire on the first attempt.
I've put about 100 Federal and Nosler through it without a single issue. I just think the primers on the Hirtenburger are a bit tougher than the others.

Has no-one else experience the same thing? Or have an opinion on the difference between the two primers (outside of the reloadable issue)?

We have sold several million rounds here,off shore and in the US.... Never a single report of primer problems....
There is a tremendous difference between civilian and NATO spec primers....
If I were you, I would give a call to manufacture, explain to them that I got light primer strike on Mil-Spec ammo. Maybe they could do something on that.

Could you take a moment and explain this to me ????
The ammo is NATO spec, you may research this and determine the specifications, they are the same for all Nato members.
Do you serious think the factory would be concerned about your specific rifle issues, come on now....
I suspect he was talking about the rifle and manufacturer thereof, and whether they have different springs etc to solve the issue, not the ammo...
Could you take a moment and explain this to me ????
The ammo is NATO spec, you may research this and determine the specifications, they are the same for all Nato members.
Do you serious think the factory would be concerned about your specific rifle issues, come on now....

Not the ammo manufacture, it's the firearm manafacture that I talked about.
John, thank you for sourcing this ammunition and making it available to Canadians for the first time in ~25 years. Though it sure doesn't seem like it from reading some of the posts in this thread, your efforts are definitely appreciated.

For those of you who haven't done your research, this is the best military ball ammunition in this calibre ever manufactured; it's only bettered by the very best military competition / sniper ammunition (such as M118 or M852) and their commercial equivalents (and hand loads, obviously).

Anyone serious about shooting accurately in this calibre would be wise to stock up while this is still available, as I'm sure it won't be for long. :p
In my FNAR, NM M1A and Armalite AR-10T, the HP74 berdan primer surplus almost is on par for accuracy with high end factory fodder...
This is a top quality ammo... JP.
In my FNAR, NM M1A and Armalite AR-10T, the HP74 berdan primer surplus almost is on par for accuracy with high end factory fodder...
This is a top quality ammo... JP.

I've read several of your posts on the subject of this ammunition - you're among the very few in this community who thus far recognizes its excellence. ;)
Non corrosive is exactly that, I don't think any further explanation should be needed.... How did you come up with that conclusion about the powder ?? If it was corrosive how would you keep it in the brass case?


You know John, people say you can be grumpy but I think you've got a pretty good sense of humour (and yes, the patience of Job). Keep up the good work. :cool:
No differences so far from my FNAR and M1A, they shoot with the same POI to...
Hirtenberger ammo is really at the top of the food chain... JP.
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