Update: Team Canada Hats

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I always felt apparel with political slogans as such was very trashy. Very Southern USA, boast to the world we have guns ra ra. I feel there are better ways to go about it by simply talking to people and even those close friends of yours who don't really know whayt your hobby is, maybe let them in on your firearm past-time. I bet a lot of people would be pleasantly surprised that someone they knew, liked and generally understood to be a good or decent person also was involved in shooting and firearms, they might be able to piece together that even the basic John Doe can be into a hobby like Shooting and not be a bit of a loonie. Leave the politics to those in a position of authority to talk to those in a position of power. Attempting to prove to the community we are better off with our guns isn't as effective as simply being responsible and friendly firearm owners. Have a friend that's shown any interest? Take em to the range with you one day or if you have a small thing set up on your land, waste a Saturday slinging lead downrange and have some fun while showing that it can be a fun, safe and stress reducing good time. Word from the horses mouth can spread fast. A political slogan shirt about keeping our guns looks a bit trailer.
I always felt apparel with political slogans as such was very trashy. Very Southern USA, boast to the world we have guns ra ra. I feel there are better ways to go about it by simply talking to people and even those close friends of yours who don't really know whayt your hobby is, maybe let them in on your firearm past-time. I bet a lot of people would be pleasantly surprised that someone they knew, liked and generally understood to be a good or decent person also was involved in shooting and firearms, they might be able to piece together that even the basic John Doe can be into a hobby like Shooting and not be a bit of a loonie. Leave the politics to those in a position of authority to talk to those in a position of power. Attempting to prove to the community we are better off with our guns isn't as effective as simply being responsible and friendly firearm owners. Have a friend that's shown any interest? Take em to the range with you one day or if you have a small thing set up on your land, waste a Saturday slinging lead downrange and have some fun while showing that it can be a fun, safe and stress reducing good time. Word from the horses mouth can spread fast. A political slogan shirt about keeping our guns looks a bit trailer.

Your entitled to your opinion and my opinion is still ####ing eh I love my hat
I always felt apparel with political slogans as such was very trashy. Very Southern USA, boast to the world we have guns ra ra. I feel there are better ways to go about it by simply talking to people and even those close friends of yours who don't really know whayt your hobby is, maybe let them in on your firearm past-time. I bet a lot of people would be pleasantly surprised that someone they knew, liked and generally understood to be a good or decent person also was involved in shooting and firearms, they might be able to piece together that even the basic John Doe can be into a hobby like Shooting and not be a bit of a loonie. Leave the politics to those in a position of authority to talk to those in a position of power. Attempting to prove to the community we are better off with our guns isn't as effective as simply being responsible and friendly firearm owners. Have a friend that's shown any interest? Take em to the range with you one day or if you have a small thing set up on your land, waste a Saturday slinging lead downrange and have some fun while showing that it can be a fun, safe and stress reducing good time. Word from the horses mouth can spread fast. A political slogan shirt about keeping our guns looks a bit trailer.

At the risk of turning this into a debate - which is 100% not what I intended..

I agree with most of what you said in your post and do this as much as I can.
(Converted 2 non shooters to buyers and shooters this year ����)

However, as far as a political message goes it very much Depends on What it says and How it is portrayed.

In my post I referred to a quasi - political statement and outlined a couple of examples that may or may not fit the bill of a slight or inferred message to the outside world that guns are not as bad as they think they are
Yet is still appealing to the ones who would purchase these shirts ect - the legal firearm owning crowd.

I absolutely agree that a confeerate flag, some Budweiser cans and a Yahoo shooting a machine gun on said shirts would absolutely not do any favours for us.

My suggestion was meant as food for thought and it if anyone would attempt to do this with their merchandise obviously there would have to be a substantial amount of thought put into exactly what message was being conveyed and how it would be reviewed by the public at large.

I just see it as a way to potentially fill the coffers to aid in any quarrel with government be it legal, political or otherwise if they chose to enact legislation that would hinder us and our rights.

This may or may not happen but it is in every way a possibility and if that day comes we will need mucho dinero to combat it and the current retailers of firearms have the most connections, the best platforms and the ability to start some of this now.

Winning the hearts and minds of the anti gunners in this country may end up being critical to our retaining our rights as legal firearms owners in the months or years to come.

Sorry for the rant one shot..
'Nuff said.

Still want my hats either way!!! Lol
I always felt apparel with political slogans as such was very trashy. Very Southern USA, boast to the world we have guns ra ra. I feel there are better ways to go about it by simply talking to people and even those close friends of yours who don't really know whayt your hobby is, maybe let them in on your firearm past-time. I bet a lot of people would be pleasantly surprised that someone they knew, liked and generally understood to be a good or decent person also was involved in shooting and firearms, they might be able to piece together that even the basic John Doe can be into a hobby like Shooting and not be a bit of a loonie. Leave the politics to those in a position of authority to talk to those in a position of power. Attempting to prove to the community we are better off with our guns isn't as effective as simply being responsible and friendly firearm owners. Have a friend that's shown any interest? Take em to the range with you one day or if you have a small thing set up on your land, waste a Saturday slinging lead downrange and have some fun while showing that it can be a fun, safe and stress reducing good time. Word from the horses mouth can spread fast. A political slogan shirt about keeping our guns looks a

I always felt apparel with political slogans as such was very trashy. Very Southern USA, boast to the world we have guns ra ra. I feel there are better ways to go about it by simply talking to people and even those close friends of yours who don't really know whayt your hobby is, maybe let them in on your firearm past-time. I bet a lot of people would be pleasantly surprised that someone they knew, liked and generally understood to be a good or decent person also was involved in shooting and firearms, they might be able to piece together that even the basic John Doe can be into a hobby like Shooting and not be a bit of a loonie. Leave the politics to those in a position of authority to talk to those in a position of power. Attempting to prove to the community we are better off with our guns isn't as effective as simply being responsible and friendly firearm owners. Have a friend that's shown any interest? Take em to the range with you one day or if you have a small thing set up on your land, waste a Saturday slinging lead downrange and have some fun while showing that it can be a fun, safe and stress reducing good time. Word from the horses mouth can spread fast. A political slogan shirt about keeping our guns looks a bit trailer.

Meh, I never found anything offensive and I certainly am not saying you shouldn't ever do it. Hell, I'm in for one of these hats! It's just a personal opinion based on the areas I grew up in and the people within those communities that wore some pretty outlandish clothing with slogans that, to be honest, I didn't understand when I was younger and really didn't get. But hey, if that's how you feel about how you want to display your pride in firearms, by all means! Have fun and hopefully somebody questions you about it so you can start up a good conversation with them about your stances!

I'm plenty happy if folks don't like my hobby or are interested in it. Hell, I recently ran into a girl I went to highschool with and her stance directly to my face was anyone who purchases or owns guns is compensating for a small... thing... So there are all kinds and sometimes my way or talking to them and explaining it doesn't work, while maybe on that person an article of clothing they see would.

It was just my 2 cents, thats all.
I wonder if they are/would consider doing a pre-order so that they wouldn't purchase and be stuck with to many?

I know (5) Beige and (2) Blaze Orange for me. (I'm not hoarding, some of them would be gift's)
For those who are asking, we are looking at doing some other colors. We are waiting on confirmation if it can be done with the velcro/if they have matching colors.

Yes we are looking into Flexfit as well.

We have done some shirts before and looking into some new stuff
For those who are asking, we are looking at doing some other colors. We are waiting on confirmation if it can be done with the velcro/if they have matching colors.

Yes we are looking into Flexfit as well.

We have done some shirts before and looking into some new stuff

For those who are asking, we are looking at doing some other colors. We are waiting on confirmation if it can be done with the velcro/if they have matching colors.

Yes we are looking into Flexfit as well.

We have done some shirts before and looking into some new stuff

Count me in for one of each color!! Flex fit size S/M
So we have two sets of hats coming, 300 in tan and 300 in black.

They should be here around the end of Jan.
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