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Let's take various gun models that haven't been used in crimes, work around the clock to modify them (in spite of the fact that private citizens in Canada aren't bothering to do that) to fire fully automatic, then try to ban these aforementioned guns to prevent their use in crimes that aren't going to happen. Then...just because...pepper that logic with the rantings of a lunatic/murderer and try to weave that into an argument to ban/make-prohibited various models of firearms that are never used in crimes.

Yeah...makes perfect sense to me. :p

If the RCMP and that smirking goof of a new prime minister are genuinely concerned about public safety~why don't they look at what's really killing Canadians day in and day out? I suspect it's because banning cars, banning alcohol, cigarettes....and putting more funding into healthcare isn't an easy sell. What a sad state of affairs. I was talking to an "anti" (though I don't dig that term) a couple of weeks ago, and was asked "why does anyone need guns?" and knowing that if someone is so out of touch with reality on a given topic, I'll likely never be able to turn that around. I asked; "when is the last time you heard a 'good' gun story on the news?" This misguided soul didn't know what the h**l I was talking about, so I went on to explain how almost every weekend, for the last 5+ months, I'd been out target shooting or hunting with friends, family...teaching safe gun handling to a couple of new shooters, helping to fix shotguns for friends, refinishing stocks...you name it. Having a fantastic time, supporting the economy, harming nobody, etc. "it's what I do while you're out golfing, but the difference is...if someone kills someone with a golf club~it doesn't make the news...and nobody tries to ban golf clubs". No less lethal in the wrong hands, but people are objective about golf clubs (knives/baseball bats/smoking/cars/drunk driving~you name it) and the behavior of the perpetrator is blamed~not the implement.
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