Range closure notice - Target Sports

Checked here yesterday...no updates. Went to the website...inaccessible. Arranged to meet two buddies for lunch at Famous Sam's, and then some shooting.
Sign on door...both ranges closed until 4:30pm. Couldn't wait 2.5 hrs.

Should have called I suppose, but I thought this thread would be updated. Lesson learned.

I have no animosity, I'm really looking forward to the completed renovations!
Checked here yesterday...no updates. Went to the website...inaccessible. Arranged to meet two buddies for lunch at Famous Sam's, and then some shooting.
Sign on door...both ranges closed until 4:30pm. Couldn't wait 2.5 hrs.

Should have called I suppose, but I thought this thread would be updated. Lesson learned.

I have no animosity, I'm really looking forward to the completed renovations!

We are now installing the new lane dividers and target retrieval system.

We are working on one side at a time, this will however mean that over the next 2-3 weeks, we will be operating at a reduced capacity.

Please be patient as this is the last phase of the renovations.

The good news is that after this phase, we will be going from 18 usable lanes to 25 usable lanes, including 2 benches for sitting rifle fire.

Closure dates:

Range A - Monday October 26th - Friday November 6th

Range B - closed until 4:30 Tuesday November 3rd (no range access on either side)

As the work progresses we will continue to update the closures.

posted on their facebook page on october 29th
Checked here yesterday...no updates. Went to the website...inaccessible. Arranged to meet two buddies for lunch at Famous Sam's, and then some shooting.
Sign on door...both ranges closed until 4:30pm. Couldn't wait 2.5 hrs.

Should have called I suppose, but I thought this thread would be updated. Lesson learned.

I have no animosity, I'm really looking forward to the completed renovations!

I always wonder how many of the people at Famous Sam's are going to shoot at Target? It's where we go for lunch before shooting too. And also at Tim's at the other end of Stalwart.
I always wonder how many of the people at Famous Sam's are going to shoot at Target? It's where we go for lunch before shooting too. And also at Tim's at the other end of Stalwart.

most people that eat at famous sams are not going to target sports. lol
they are mostly locals and construction workers. i know a lot of people that live around me that drive to famous sams to eat and none of them go to the range.
most people that eat at famous sams are not going to target sports. lol
they are mostly locals and construction workers. i know a lot of people that live around me that drive to famous sams to eat and none of them go to the range.

Actually, that's exactly what they look like!
just received an email from TSC today with the upcoming closure dates:


Range A - Monday October 26th - Friday November 6th

Range B - closed until 4:30 Tuesday November 3rd, Tuesday November 10th and Tuesday November 17th (no range access on either side)

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