Black friday

They should really do a clearout sale on those dewat AK-74 rifles.

I highly doubt they sell very many at the regular prices.
Everything is sold out on that website, been watching some items for years now. May be my son will keep watching for those same items when i die.
Curious what there is to be put on sale. Didn't seem to be a lot on the web site.
At least all the good stuff is already gone. Hopefully it's restocked?
Everything is sold out on that website, been watching some items for years now. May be my son will keep watching for those same items when i die.

How true!


In all fairness though, I think it's more of a webdesign issue rather than any attempt to mislead. I suspect once they have sold one item one time it's on the website forever as a "stock item" unless manually removed.
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