Paid with EMT


CGN frequent flyer
Hi guys
I placed an order last week and paid via EMT,
The funds were excepted on Monday and I have yet to receive a shipping confirmation,
Any reason why?
Order # 6739

I've tried calling but no one answers and the messages state the box is full,
I've emailed with no response,
So trying this
Also PM send with contact info
Going on two weeks for me and nothing...
I'm super bummed.

Could you let me know via pm what your name and order is and I can help you out.

Craig, yours will go out on Wednesday when we reopen. We apologize for any inconvenience.

OSTS Staff
I also placed an order earlier in the week and have just noticed your closed now.

I hope you list the date om my purchase as the actual date I ordered it, otherwise, I wont be eligible for a cash back program that is on until the 30th.
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