S&J Soft LIIIA armor & blacking plates

Ive seen these first hand and they are quite nice. Unfortunately as Simon indicated in his other thread we are having trouble getting an exact timeline on the covert carriers. I was told that they are in production but getting sold as fast as the manufacturer can produce them...Luckily for us he has relatives that can physically go there and rattle their cages for us :)
Ive seen these first hand and they are quite nice. Unfortunately as Simon indicated in his other thread we are having trouble getting an exact timeline on the covert carriers. I was told that they are in production but getting sold as fast as the manufacturer can produce them...Luckily for us he has relatives that can physically go there and rattle their cages for us :)

I'll have the old man go and coin the owner. See if we can get some movement.
I do know they just got a massive government order dropped on them...
More info net week.
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