Star Wars people?

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Who says we can't have a little off topic in our forum now and again?

You guys excited to see the Force Awakens? Those of you who've already braved the theater: was it everything you'd hoped for?

We're pretty pumped over here:


Bountiful Boobi Fett?? Scrumptious! But why do I keep hearing a little voice in the back of my head screaming "It's a trap!"?

As to your questions: highly entertaining, very much Starwarsy, and don't go checking the other thread on CGN unless you're willing to see serious spoilers! :d
A must see in 3D. JJ Abrams did a great job.

Just one thing that has confused me in this Starwars story.

It took six episodes to find, create, and then kill, the "last known Sith".

Now in this seventh episode, this "New Master" appears out of nowhere.

Unless, this "New master" is Anikins creator or father, (cause his mom said that she just gave birth and there's no father)
this master has no place in the story plot, imo... or am I missing something here?

Never the less, I just hope that the next episodes don't take another decade to made.
Saw it this afternoon... it was great.

My only gripe was Han Solo's clothing looked mint, all the time as if Harrison Ford was going for a photo shoot after each take. But costumes for all others were on point! The guy at the end looked bad-ass!

I found myself feeling some nostalgia. I was lucky enough to see the original Star Wars in theatre (albeit very very young) but having seen every Star Wars in theatre to date, I appreciated this one the most as I was able to fully understand and take in what was going on. As a kid seeing the originals, I just wanted to see Darth Vader and light saber fights heh.

In my opinion, this is the best Star Wars since Ep.4 and 5 (I liked return of the Jedi, but even as a kid in elementary school I thought the Ewoks sucked a little.)

I'll absolutely see it again. Great acting from the new cast; very believable.
Saw it this afternoon... it was great.

My only gripe was Han Solo's clothing looked mint, all the time as if Harrison Ford was going for a photo shoot after each take. But costumes for all others were on point! The guy at the end looked bad-ass!

I found myself feeling some nostalgia. I was lucky enough to see the original Star Wars in theatre (albeit very very young) but having seen every Star Wars in theatre to date, I appreciated this one the most as I was able to fully understand and take in what was going on. As a kid seeing the originals, I just wanted to see Darth Vader and light saber fights heh.

In my opinion, this is the best Star Wars since Ep.4 and 5 (I liked return of the Jedi, but even as a kid in elementary school I thought the Ewoks sucked a little.)

I'll absolutely see it again. Great acting from the new cast; very believable.
I hate the Ewoks more than Jar-Jar Binks. Ruins Return of the Jedi for me.

If I lived in the Star Wars universe I would work for The Empire and run the Endari Outfitters Corporation. Ewok hats would be the fashion statement of the Galaxy.
Just watched The Force Awakens... Damn JJ Abrams got game.. I think he might be a Jedi.... Probably the best Star War film I have seen.
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