Will there be another Tavor course (further west)


CGN Ultra frequent flyer
Hey guys,

I wasnt able to travel to the Alberta course. I did read the review by TVPP and it looked good.

Ive also read in the original thread that there is going to be a 2016 calender.

Can we expect to see one on the Westcoast? If not Ill have to save up for travel expenses.

Your insight is appreciated.

I would like to see abbotsford host. I can put you in contact with the right person if it helps!
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Hey fellas! We're just getting back from Shot Show (in fact, some us are still on planes!) but we can say for certain that Yes, there will be more courses this year. We are aiming for a cross Canada tour in May-June. Specific dates and locations will be coming soon.

We have some other cool things up our sleeve, but that will be announced later.
You guys should really get in touch with Tactical Teacher aka Barney. We have a great shooting community in Petawawa that I'm sure would love have a Tavor clinic.

Sorry, didn't mean to hijack a "further west" thread to as for a lot more east I'm just jealous the last corse was way too far west for me!
Jebus. After reading tons of dirtbag loser comments here about the Zahal ladies, I was kind of wondering if that would translate into action, or just keyboard bravery. Crappy that anyone would make the instructors uncomfortable, whether seasoned in dealing with pigs or not.
Id expect that guys would keep themselves in check. If not, then fellow students should keep guys in check. Lastly, im sure a female instructor would have thick skin dealing with some guys.
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