2016 SHOT Show: Promag SKS magazine

Go to sevensixtwosystems.com. It has the duckbill block and a better solution than these magazines.

Do you work for them? Saw you in both threads. Decided to check it out and say, while it's a solution, I wouldn't call it better. Like the various mag adapters, you have to modify something. In this case, it's the mag, stock and then adding a chunk of metal on your rifle. Yes, you don't have to add the duck bill adapter but then, what's the difference? Promag's solution is a much cheaper, lighter and no modification approach. Only advantage is more mag pouch options and being Canadian. While that's commendable, SKS duckbill mag mag pouches already exist and Promag's solution is not bad. The latch is separate from the mag so even if it broke, the mag would simply function like a normal duckbill mag. Actually considering how long and hard people have been looking for a solution and how simple this is, it's almost ingenious. Credit is due where credit is due.
the sevensixtwosystems mag release is nice, and works with a variety of mags that already exist..5's 10's 20's and 30's from a number of manufacturers, including promag.
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