2016 Shot SHow new Product: Uniquie-ARs


Sponsoring Dealer
We are excited to introduce UNIQUE-ARs line of custom handguards to Canada.

We've never seen anything like these before. They will take your build to the next level!

Check them out here before they make it to our site;


We have a selection on order and should see them shortly. We'll let everyone know once we have them up on the site.

UNIQUE-ARs has also agreed to a custom run for us, so............. what should be have them do?

The Canadian Flag?

True North Strong?

Give us your idea's and we'll see what we can make happen.
A Spike's Jack Lower with the skeleton hand out front.... I would do back backflips to build that..... and backflips are a few years long gone for me!

"True north strong and free - Oh Canada - We stand on guard for thee!". Make the whole hand guard text with the letters looking as if they were on a flag blowing in the wind, then just work and a few maple leaves and Bammo! A masterpiece!
My girlfriend would love the pink skull/butterfly handguard. The rest of them are pretty badass...might put one on my 3gun AR.
I seem to remember this from last year or so... seems a disadvantage not having tri or quad rails. Intricate designs, pretty neat for what they are.

A number of models will accept rail segments as they are drilled and tapped for them. We'll be offering the segments as well.
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