Range B closure to complete renovation


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i saw this posted on the facebook page but not on CGN
taken from the facebook page

***Last & Final Reno Happening!!***

RANGE B will be closed:
Tuesday, February 2nd - Friday, February 12th
For the installation of the new bays and the new target retrieval system.

Range A will remain open during the renovations with the exception of Tuesday, February 2nd it will be closed until 5:00 pm.

If any other closures are required, they will be posted here and
on the calendar located on our website.

***Just a reminder Range A is pistol caliber and double 00 buck only- no rifles***
Just curious, how come non licensed guests use rifles in range A and not members?
Only a guess, but likely to minimize the amount of damage done by high velocity rifle rounds. Not sure if the backstops in both ranges are identical or not, but minimizing the rifle use in one range would extend the use of that range. Cheaper to have to eventually replace one backstop at a time instead of having to do both at roughly the same time.
Soooo follow-up to a couple of your questions or comments are in order :)

Jobbass: I would like to know what you dislike about how they hang, perhaps we can come up with an idea on how to mount them so that they are more fashioned to your liking.

Cawkinggun: Androssin has the right idea. The ranges are not built identically - Range B, being our movement range, has some elements to it (the steel is a higher rated metal all the way along to accommodate people shooting in front of the firing line) that make it less susceptible to damage when people shoot outside of the intended target zone. Because we have had people - members - shoot outside of said zone it is in the best interest of the club and it's members to have rifle usage limited to only those times when a Range Officer is available to oversee the safe and proper use of them.
Jobbass: I would like to know what you dislike about how they hang, perhaps we can come up with an idea on how to mount them so that they are more fashioned to your liking.
The little coat hanger-like cardboard cutouts to which the targets are clipped are poorly suited for smaller size targets (such as the adhesive reactive targets that many people use). With a smaller target attached, the point of aim is significantly above shoulder level, which means that you are shooting upwards and increasing the chance of hitting the ceiling or the mount. I would suggest using larger cardboards like the ones that were previously used so that the targets could be mounted lower.
capp325 I do agree that the target backer is small and doesn't account for smaller targets or for people who are smaller in stature.

What I have suggested to others - and tell me if you think this is a reasonable idea - we offer 1 free target for each member upon entry. What you can do is put the target paper up (backwards if you want a cleaner line of sight) and attached your sticker target to the paper target. If you are placing targets up and you are shorter, you could attach 2 targets together (perhaps using tape) which would drop the height (you could turn the targets sideways if you don't want it dropped to drastically).

The other option is to use an IPSC/IDPA target for a more durable backing.
I've also noticed the new retrieval systems in range A are very "slippy".. the yellow rubber ring that goes from the motor to the actual metal ring of the retrieval wire system slips.. I've had it so bad on one bay that I had to actually hold up something above my head to "stretch out" the yellow ring to make it tighter, to get the target to move out/in.

Some bays appear worse than others (as above), but the 3 I've used all slip somewhat.

It would seem as though an additional "spring loaded" lever with a roller which auto-stretches the yellow ring out to a desired tension is needed, as whilst I can reach it, my wife cannot.. and the bays are often all full, so no option but to use that one bay.
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