
Thanks. I have checked your website, I was asking specifically about the 4x POSP scopes. A simple "no we don't have any" would have sufficed.

Also these scopes come from the factory in Belarus, not Russia. Why is it that Eastwave can order them directly from the factory with no problems? Apparently they don't hold stock in Canada, and the order simply goes to the factory and ships from there directly to the customer.
Thanks. I have checked your website, I was asking specifically about the 4x POSP scopes. A simple "no we don't have any" would have sufficed.

Also these scopes come from the factory in Belarus, not Russia. Why is it that Eastwave can order them directly from the factory with no problems? Apparently they don't hold stock in Canada, and the order simply goes to the factory and ships from there directly to the customer.

And it looks like they sell them on Ebay too
Thanks. I have checked your website, I was asking specifically about the 4x POSP scopes. A simple "no we don't have any" would have sufficed.

Also these scopes come from the factory in Belarus, not Russia. Why is it that Eastwave can order them directly from the factory with no problems? Apparently they don't hold stock in Canada, and the order simply goes to the factory and ships from there directly to the customer.

The scopes Westrifle sells ARE NOT "POSP" s. Thats why. They are Russian "PO" scopes made by NPZ, which is based out of Russia. Westrifle just calls them POSP's for consumers ease, many people just assume that all side mount scopes are called POSP's, when really the are not. Much similar to people calling tissues, "kleenex's", or skid steers "Bobcats" even though it may actually be a Finning Cat.

Eastwave on the other hand does sell a majority of "POSP"s , which are made by "Belemo" in Belarus (NOT RUSSIA).

So far of the two PO's i have from Westrifle, both have been performing awesome, and I find the fit and finish to be rather nice compared to the POSP's, which generally tend to come in a black powder coat.

I recently (like 3 weeks ago) purchased a PKA from East Wave, which supposedly shipped from Belarus, by the time the shipping cost & scope cost where added together, and the USD converted to CAD, that $230 PKA turned into $500 CAD at my door.
Thanks warrenlikesboats for the info. I didn't realize that the ones Westrifle sells are PO scopes not POSP... but as you said they are listed as POSP on the website. I would be fine with either, but I think one should advertise exactly the model being sold not disguising it as something else.

The poor exchange rate and added shipping costs ordering through Eastwave is why I was inquiring with the guys at Westrifle. Should have bought the 4x scope when they had them in stock.
Thanks for the reply... That's what I thought. They are essentially the same scopes just manufactured in different factories.

Is there any chance you will be getting 4x PO or POSP scopes in?
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