Waiting for PAL&RPAL - 6 Months to date

It took about seven months for me to get mine. I know three guys who did the test at the same time as me got theirs in under two months. It can be a real run around. I just kept calling though. Ontario CFO isn't the fastest anyway.
Just seeing what you guys think
Sent my paper work in they received it 29 dec know with that being said they only called one of my reference????? Not sure if this is normal thanks for your help
Just seeing what you guys think
Sent my paper work in they received it 29 dec know with that being said they only called one of my reference????? Not sure if this is normal thanks for your help

There does not seem to be much of a "normal" these days good luck sounds promising
Hey guys, I made sure to check over all the FAQs before asking the community for help.

I did everything in the FAQs, my reference was called (they didn't call both) and they never interviewed me despite I was expecting to be interviewed then after following up at the three month mark they told me that everything has passed now it's in the regional rcmp's hands for background checks and another three months later (six months now) I call the CFO Alberta directly and they hardly tell me anything they just say "oh it's still now being overlooked by a firearms officer for approval" and that's all they tell me they don't even answer why I am delayed and even one time they asked me if I had an encounter with the police before and I answered truthfully obviously which I did twice when I was under 18 and well over 5 years ago but I have nothing to hide so I filled out everything on the paperwork 100% accurately and answered what little questions they had if they had any at all..so last call I sent them they told me the same thing again and they would contact me if they require anything but to basically just wait.

I have no problem with waiting but six months?! Seriously and I'm in AB on the West which in my research most people said the west is quicker...not only that but my friend that submitted his application TWO MONTHS AFTER ME just had his approved today..it took him two months for approval but regardless he got his soo much quicker...

What should I do? I'm even debating contacting my local PM here in Alberta for some advice or help because I don't know what to do.

*My application is a new one not a renewal.*

Taken 6 months, no PAL for you. Friend took it 2 months after you, just got it after a 2 month wait. 2+2=4, not 6... Something doesn't add up - literally. lol

Call the CFO again. There is more than one person working in the office, so if you call back you will likely get a different person who might be more cooperative. I did exactly this when trying to get an answer to a question (can't even remember what it was) first chick was all clueless, the second lady knew exactly what I wanted.

Also, you say they didn't call one of your references. Mention to the CFO office that one of your references mentioned they were never contacted, and you were wondering if that is holding it up. Mine got held up for this very reason - they called my reference once, he didn't pick up, I got a letter in the mail like 3 months later being all like "your reference ###X needs to contact us"...

Just seeing what you guys think
Sent my paper work in they received it 29 dec know with that being said they only called one of my reference????? Not sure if this is normal thanks for your help

Its not unheard of. Two of my friends only had one reference called. In fact I was supposed to be one of them for one friend, and they just never called. Maybe they saw I already had a PAL and they figured good enough? I dunno.
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Taken 6 months, no PAL for you. Friend took it 2 months after you, just got it after a 2 month wait. 2+2=4, not 6... Something doesn't add up - literally. lol

Call the CFO again. There is more than one person working in the office, so if you call back you will likely get a different person who might be more cooperative. I did exactly this when trying to get an answer to a question (can't even remember what it was) first chick was all clueless, the second lady knew exactly what I wanted.

Also, you say they didn't call one of your references. Mention to the CFO office that one of your references mentioned they were never contacted, and you were wondering if that is holding it up. Mine got held up for this very reason - they called my reference once, he didn't pick up, I got a letter in the mail like 3 months later being all like "your reference ###X needs to contact us"...

Its not unheard of. Two of my friends only had one reference called. In fact I was supposed to be one of them for one friend, and they just never called. Maybe they saw I already had a PAL and they figured good enough? I dunno.


Application Received on: 2015/08/04
Current Status: Your application has completed initial processing. It is now in progress. Please check the status again at a later date.

Now my friend here is his that he sent me:

Application Received on: 2015/11/24
Current Status: Your application has been processed and your licence has been issued. If you have not received your licence within 2 weeks please contact the Canadian Firearms Program Toll Free number. (1-800 731-4000)

What I mean was my friend sent his app in the mail 2 months after I did.

Also they did contact my reference but only one out of the two.
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In AB I wrote the tests for my RPAL/PAL late Jan 2015, then sent in my application early Feb by registered mail. It took almost 2 months for any of my references to be contacted (only one was), then it was sent to the AB CFO's office for final approval. It sat in their office till late Oct/early Nov at which time I moved to BC. So being a good GunNut I called to inform them on my address change. The AB CFO electronically transferred the file to the BC CFO and they informed me that essentially my file would be put to the "bottom of the pile", so I got the operator to transfer my call to BC CFO's office. After 5 minutes on the phone with one of their agents my file was approved and my license was issued. About a week later I received my license via letter mail.

I was shocked that it took almost 10 months to complete.

I will also say that the BC CFO's office has been great to deal with regarding restricted firearms transfers and/or registrations. They've been excellent at predicting how long each process will take. If they say it will be 3 business days to transfer.. you'll have your notice by the end of day 2 or beginning of day 3.
Curious if you have been called as a reference, I have been a reference for 2 different friends and have never been called.

Has anyone here been a reference and was called? what kind of questions do they ask?
Curious if you have been called as a reference, I have been a reference for 2 different friends and have never been called.

Has anyone here been a reference and was called? what kind of questions do they ask?

No, but I know my one friend was and they asked if the applicant is a danger to society or pose a risk, show any forms of increased aggression or depression and lots of typical questions you would ask someone if they were to be granted the privilege of purchasing and owning firearms but they don't grill you with each question and go in-depth you can simply answer yes or no with each question leaving the phone interview no more then 5-10 minutes at times.
A friend of mine just called to check on his status,
he was told 5-6 weeks to start the process once they receive your application. After the 5-6 weeks it goes to the Chief Firearms guy for further checks. If there’s any info missing they will call you unless it’s something where you need to provide more info by mail, then you’ll get a letter.
I was at 7.5 months when i finally started to call. They said it was just sitting in a pile and while i was on the phone she approved it, did whatever needed to be done and i had it in my hand 2 weeks later.
I was at 7.5 months when i finally started to call. They said it was just sitting in a pile and while i was on the phone she approved it, did whatever needed to be done and i had it in my hand 2 weeks later.

What exactly did you say over the phone? I'm at over 5 months now and I called and they said that it's because I'm a first time applicant that it's taking so long. I call bull####
Perseverance is the key ..never give up.. It took me 22 months and two applications before they sent me mine....getting politics involve might help but no guarantee
...and even one time they asked me if I had an encounter with the police before and I answered truthfully obviously which I did twice when I was under 18 and well over 5 years ago but I have nothing to hide so I filled out everything on the paperwork 100% accurately and answered what little questions they had if they had any at all*

Could be they are / have been looking into it.
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Don't paperwork usually be issued right after the course?

Believe so however have had my licence for years so the process may take longer now...
(with Liberals in power there could be incentive to delay things)
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I'm not feeling very optimistic now. I've been waiting over 3 weeks just for the course paperwork to come back so I can submit the application.

I took my first course 6 months ago, got my paperwork before I left. You might want to call and see what's up. It shouldn't take that long. We filled out our entire application form while in the course
Also an update on my application;

I contacted my MP 2 days ago, asking for him to inquire why my license has taken over 5 and a half months to complete. The day after he contacted the CFO, my license was issued. I would recommend contacting your MP if you are experiencing lengthly wait times
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