Waiting for PAL&RPAL - 6 Months to date

Don't paperwork usually be issued right after the course?

It's a fairly recent change, apparently, and may be province (Ontario) specific. The instructor is required to send them directly to FSESO, who then processes them (whatever that means) and sends them back to the student directly.
It's a fairly recent change, apparently, and may be province (Ontario) specific. The instructor is required to send them directly to FSESO, who then processes them (whatever that means) and sends them back to the student directly.

My instructor actual drove the test results to the center in Orillia Ontario on the Monday after the weekend course. After the course they just told us if we passed or failed. I got my paperwork back from FSESO about 2 weeks later. I got two copies of eachieving classification. One to keep and one to send in.
Also an update on my application;

I contacted my MP 2 days ago, asking for him to inquire why my license has taken over 5 and a half months to complete. The day after he contacted the CFO, my license was issued. I would recommend contacting your MP if you are experiencing lengthly wait times

I waited 1 year 7 months, called every 2 weeks systematically. Always same answer. Thought about calling MP, didn't have the sack to do it. Good for you, I HIGHLY recommend calling your MP if your are experiencing a crazy wait, I could have been blowing so much money on guns and ammo a long time ago!
I've been waiting since mid Aug'15 also. Always same BS, its with the CFO and won't say what the holdup is. 6 1/2 mo for me so far.
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