Thanks Marstar again!


CGN Regular
Hi all,

Just another satisfied Marstar customer.

I wasn't happy with the quality of the product of my last order, so I contacted Marstar and asked if I can return it. They said no problem, they did request that I return it with all the original packaging. Of course I couldn't find it. I contacted them again and told them that I did the stupid and got rid of the packaging. They mentioned that I can still return this particular product and get an instore credit instead. This was totally fine by me as I had other purchases that I was looking to make from Marstar.

3 hours after mailing off the returning product at the post office, of course, now, I find the packaging sitting right beside one of my gunsafes. Contacted Marstar and now told them that I have located the packaging and I was mailing it off immediately.

Note to self: Don't do this again, as it cost $24 to ship the returning product wrapped in a new box, and a whopping $32 to ship an empty box. Sheeesh

Anyways, Marstar called me several times on different days to verbally give me updates on the status of the return and the delivery of my new order of different products.

I thank you Marstar. This was my ninth order in the last couple of years from Marstar and each time it has been flawless.


From the guy who is never going to mail off another empty box again through Canada Post.
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