Grease on the yugo capture K98

Are you nuts?
Aren't gasoline fumes heavier than air?
Where do you usually find the pilot light on your natural gas powered water heater?
You are encouraging people to do a very dangerous thing, sir.
I know from experience. When I was a kid, one of my neighbor's/friends' house burned because some blockhead had an outboard motor fuel tank in the basement.
Basements aren't well ventilated, I did say to try and do it in open air. You certainly should not store volatiles in a basement.

Just go into the garage and keep the door open. It's not hard, jeez.
I only force the point because naphta/kerosene doesn't just work for removing tough cosmo deposits, it's frigging ideal, solvating them instantly and lifting them away. It drys leaving no reidue like detergents (simple green and such) will, it's dirt cheap, and if you already have some kicking around it's a no brainer.

It's how tough grease removal by the hobyist has been done for decades and decades and decades before the think of the children crowd took over society.

Don't soak the stock in it, but put a little on a rag, wipe down the stock, and it'll strip the coat of cosmo straight off with no effort.

How hard is it to just go outside?
i don't see much point in Kerosene when mineral spirits works just as well. both are flamable but really I trust that your being careful with the gasoline etc as you are already careful enough to handle a firearm. use whatever works. Mineral spirits pulled most cosmoline off right away the rest was removed with a simple wipe with a kitchen brush and rinse back in the mineral spirits.
I just used boiling water, a laundry tub, rags, and the sun for the stock.

Mine has a new barrel, and the sight is also too far off to the left.

Lot's of German markings still visible, with a nice stock and barrel to boot. I think I got the last of the good ones with the cupped butt plates and hooded front sights. Tradex listed it as needing a new sear spring, but it was just gummed up with dried cosmo. Shoots as good as my Enfields.
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