AIA Factory

And you base your unfounded opinion on what ?

Another stupid remark that portrays anything but a respectable human being, let alone a business owner. No wonder you and your company are well known even south of the border for lack of cordiality.

My opinion is based on the information that is available to the public. Sorry we don't all have the inside scoop on AIA affairs to able to deny the fact that they never succeeded in entering the US market because parts of their Australian rifles were made in Vietnam. The last time anyone wrote anything credible and worth reading about AIA, in a gun publication/media outlet, was back in 2009.

By the way, where is their website? Have you tried going to their Australian address? I hear someone tried and there was nothing there.

So hey, maybe they exist, but as far as the average consumer is concerned, they have been non existent since 2009.
Another stupid remark that portrays anything but a respectable human being, let alone a business owner. No wonder you and your company are well known even south of the border for lack of cordiality.

My opinion is based on the information that is available to the public. Sorry we don't all have the inside scoop on AIA affairs to able to deny the fact that they never succeeded in entering the US market because parts of their Australian rifles were made in Vietnam. The last time anyone wrote anything credible and worth reading about AIA, in a gun publication/media outlet, was back in 2009.

By the way, where is their website? Have you tried going to their Australian address? I hear someone tried and there was nothing there.

So hey, maybe they exist, but as far as the average consumer is concerned, they have been non existent since 2009.

Please allow me to reply in the most cordial manner possible.
I apologize to all, north and south of the border....
I appreciate your basing your opinion on public info, which is far from complete, may I suggest that maybe, just maybe if it does not offend you, ask around I'm sure you will find out what you want to know.

As for entering the US, once again you did not do your homework, they did sign a contract with an American firm to handle the importation and distribution of their rifles, yes they were approved for the US.
The American company sold some of the inventory and never paid AIA, the make the rest disappear. I don't know if the numerous legal action were ever settled.

They are STILL producing various models for the Australian market, they do special orders for various dealers off shore... They are content with this, so why care ??

YES they would do a run for us, however as I pointed out, their higher prices and our lower dollar would make the rifles VERY expensive.

Let's say for the sake of argument that various components were sourced from various Asian countries. So what?

I'm having trouble finding anything new in the stores, including my computers, that wasn't made in China.

So what if something is made there? Are you going to make a big deal about each and every thing made in Asia?

Or only parts of the AIA?

Another stupid remark that portrays anything but a respectable human being, let alone a business owner. No wonder you and your company are well known even south of the border for lack of cordiality.

My opinion is based on the information that is available to the public. Sorry we don't all have the inside scoop on AIA affairs to able to deny the fact that they never succeeded in entering the US market because parts of their Australian rifles were made in Vietnam. The last time anyone wrote anything credible and worth reading about AIA, in a gun publication/media outlet, was back in 2009.

By the way, where is their website? Have you tried going to their Australian address? I hear someone tried and there was nothing there.

So hey, maybe they exist, but as far as the average consumer is concerned, they have been non existent since 2009.
Please allow me to reply in the most cordial manner possible?

YES they would do a run for us, however as I pointed out, their higher prices and our lower dollar would make the rifles VERY expensive.

I'm trying to figure out some of this fuzzy math???
I just checked the TD currency page and $1.0226 Can will buy $1.00 Australian
So are dollar is on par with the Australian $$ I don't see how they will be double what they were????
Well i have one in 308. nothing about them is cheaply made. Stocky well built rifle, but definitely would not be my choice for sheep hunting. The big selling point was the golden magazines, now a mute point with the bringing in of extra magazines.

If the price is above say the cost of a RGS, then the sales would be abysmal. Serves the same niche, but without the mags being golden.......

So what does a Ruger Gunsite go for......$1000-1200. I believe these were $6-800, 10 years ago. Pretty easy to be above the RGS, considering the Peso against the greenback. While robust and accurate, they still look exactly like a 70 year old enfield from first examination. So people are going to compare them to that, probably not the same tacticool appeal as a RGS.
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That occured to me too. The AUD is doing as badly as the CAD.

Who knows, maybe they quote their pricing in USD.

And, in the end, it's up to a company what they want to sell their products for.

It is true, a lot of people bought them for the mags.

I'm trying to figure out some of this fuzzy math???
I just checked the TD currency page and $1.0226 Can will buy $1.00 Australian
So are dollar is on par with the Australian $$ I don't see how they will be double what they were????
I'm trying to figure out some of this fuzzy math???
I just checked the TD currency page and $1.0226 Can will buy $1.00 Australian
So are dollar is on par with the Australian $$ I don't see how they will be double what they were????

ALL our international contracts are paid in US dollars.

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