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Thread: Garrison Petawawa PR Match 4 - 01/02 Oct 2016 - Debrief Here!

  1. #21
    CGN frequent flyer FrankieT's Avatar
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    Barney, drop and give me 20!!!

    Had a great time. Thanks for your efforts. Nice meeting all the new faces (to me at least). I learned a lot. Pulling the trigger is the easy part. It's the rest that separates the men from the boys.

    And thanks to Terry. You are truly a marksman and one helluva partner.
    Last edited by FrankieT; 10-03-2016 at 02:56 PM.

  2. #22
    Business Member
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    Well truth be told, FrankieT....

    Some of the newbies were listening to your conversations regarding wind, dope, variables in light, shooting, rain, visibility, and other topics. They mentioned to me that they picked up a whole lot of insight from your conversations as opposed to our conversations over on target 2 about:

    1) Never passing up a bathroom
    2) Never wasting a "hard on"
    3) Never trusting a fart....

    Yeah, so they/ the newbies appreciated all that they learned this weekend and that's awesome to hear !!

    Adversity into Advantage!


  3. #23
    CGN frequent flyer FrankieT's Avatar
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    I do have a new appreciation for a good F.U.C.Kindness. It helped me ignore the bodily noises coming from your bean breakfast

  4. #24
    Business Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FrankieT View Post
    I do have a new appreciation for a good F.U.C.Kindness. It helped me ignore the bodily noises coming from your bean breakfast

    You can't fault a cheap teacher from taking advantage of a couple of bowls of beans from the mess hall. Their reputation is epic!

    F - U - C - K. Send it......

    Adversity into Advantage!

  5. #25
    Business Member
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    Okay, I got the time to post the results and deal with my expenses and receipts. It's all good!

    Post #2 has all your results and stats! And I cannot forget a summary!

    Adversity into Advantage!


  6. #26
    CGN Regular RugerBlast's Avatar
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    Well.... What an awesome way to cap off one of the best Barney clinic seasons ever. Threw out the summer I got rained on like never before, sun fornicated to a whole new level and there was a couple days of ideal conditions too!
    As always, constant learning and upgrading shooting skills. This clinic I even learned how to poop in the woods! #### tickets! Don't leave the buts without them.

    Barney, Thank you. I don't know if you had some master plan to create such an awesome community but you certainly have. Looking forward to next season will make winter a little less bleak and depressing. We are all very fortunate that you are around.

    Morgan, thanks. Hope your conjoined hernia twin has been sent back dark recesses of your intestines. Please feel free to grow another as you not being around improves my standings! Seriously, I appreciate all that you do making the clinics a success.

    Thanks to all the participants repeat and new. It's fun hanging out with everyone.

    Thanks to range control for letting us play on some of the best ranges I have ever experienced.

    So long 2016.

  7. #27
    CGN Regular xtremacanuck's Avatar
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    I had a great time with you all and look forward to doing the same next year, if the shooting gods allow it. Too bad about Danny's having run out of prime rib; we'll need to assign someone to call at noon to alert them we are in town.

    I had to remove my improvised sunshade/rainguard when the rifle was unpacked, that Tim's cup was too soggy to use over again. I took something I learned from Barney at his first PR clinic a few years back, but used improvised materials. That made the match work for me.

    And that's why I come to these things.

    Have a good winter everyone.

  8. #28
    CGN frequent flyer
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    I am thankful for competent physiotherapists. My left knee held up far better than I figured it would. I found a physio that has a gift of healing and uses it. My shooting had been sidelined because of 'mild arthritis' but she has me mobile again.
    It is always worth the trip to Petawawa. Folks who b##ch about no place to shoot longer ranges should be all over these clinics and matches. I stop at Epps and build my stock of powder and deplete my bank account.
    I need to practice more on my 200 and 300 ranges. That is where I lost points. I am thankful for a lack of wind cuz I'd do way worse than I did. But, a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor, so I guess a calm day never made a skilled PR shooter.
    My rifle worked out fine. I was going to dick with the bedding but after the match, I'll leave it alone. My scope could be clearer but works OK so I'll leave it. I'm going to have to learn to use a spotting scope and learn to read bullet swirl and wind. I'm sure my partner nate.308 would have benefited by a competent spotter.
    I'm thankful for having the discipline and organization from Service Rifle and CQB beaten into me by the ORA. Know where all your equipment is to get out of any fix real fast. Think ahead so you are ready for the next range command. These clinics and shoots are a bit stressful for me because they are slower paced and I'm used to go go go. Too many years of Tim K frothing at the mouth at us. It throws me but it is nice when I finally relax and go with the flow.
    Thanks to Scott for running the butts for relay 1-2.
    Congratulations to the winners. Congratulations to Terry for individual high score. If any of you learned something new or figured something out, you also won in your own way.
    Thanks to Tactical Teacher and Morgan for putting these on and thanks to those who run things. If no one steps up and does things, no one shoots.
    It was good to be paired with nate.308. You have the youth, equipment and drive. Now it is the practice, discipline and organization to bring it all together.
    Till next year.

  9. #29
    CGN frequent flyer
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    Thanks to Frank for talking me into this weekend. It was a blast.

    Barney, thanks for running the clinic/match this past weekend. I enjoyed it very much...the shooting, the people, the bear, the beer...I could go on and on. Did I mention the rain test? I picked up 2 pointers that I will use (lip balm lubricant and F - U - C - K). That's one reason why experienced shooters of this discipline should go to every clinic they can.

  10. #30
    CGN Regular Nate.308's Avatar
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    Thanks theDuck, I am only here today because of the tutelage of skilled teachers and people who have gone before and were willing to share. I do plan on taking the the Cunningham wind course in the future to hopefully make some sence of the wind game.

    I learned that sighting dirt shots are easy to miss in the rain hahaha pay attention!!

    I also need to stream line my "comp routine" so Im more efficientt on the line, Im deffenitly going to add the DOPE to my rifle somewhere for sure!!!!

    Thanks again Duck for keeping me on track when the line started to waver! Hold the line!!! HOLD THE LINE
    "I shoot better in the rain" TT

    “Be the head of a chicken not the tail of a bull” Toyzone

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