CDTSA Milo CQB Clinic 1- 06/07 Sep 2016 - Debrief here!


CGN Ultra frequent flyer
Georgian Bay, ON
It's official CQB is coming to Southern AB 06-07 Sep 2016 outside Vulcan, AB area (I think :) )

Your initial question is likely; Why are we shooting in the middle of the week? I'll let you know... as my Tae Kwon Do master once said, "Life is unpredictable and you work with what you have on hand."

So I work with what I've got, middle of the week to shoot at this range! Trust me, the effort is worth the laughs and good times and networking and learning etc, etc, etc... :)


Here's the link to the club's site:

Here's the link to the Milo Range:


06-07 Sep 2016 Tuesday & Wednesday

We usually gather around 0800 - 0830 and then a casual start for 0900


MEMBERS: $80 for both days
Guests: $100 for both days

Letters on Invite for your STATT

Once you pay me (EMT down below) I will be directing you to my pointman and chief host via email. You will be responsible for arranging your own ST ATT. We do things differently here in Ontario (I am learning).

Material Focus

Everything I'll be teaching you is based on the CQB matches fired by the ORA at Langemark Range, CFB Borden.

Here's the bulk of the material from my website:

CQB Competition (like in the ORA - Ontario Rifle Association) :

* Snap shooting, rapid fire shooting, modified prone shooting
* Advance and fire shooting
* rapid magazine changes (since we don't use hi-cap mags in Canada)
* gear selection, gear manipulation, gear evolution (I'm gonna surprise ya big time...)
* What works in close and what belongs in the video games
* What works for you and what does not work for you
* Why you do up all your pouches and zippers especially before using the PortaPotty

CQB (non-restricted rifle) or (restricted rifle) Gear to Bring:

Depending upon the focus of the type of CQB clinic (this clinic happens to lean to the Restricted platforms)

* Reliable , dependable, and tested RESTRICTED rifle & pistol (unless you insist on shooting an SKS or other NR rifle)
* Current club issued long term ATT or Short term ATT for guests

* Optics (Aimpoint, EOTech, BUIS, iron sights, ACOG, ELCAN, 1x or 2x magnification scope)
* Bring over 400 Rounds of carbine ammo (distances inside 50m), bring the cheeep stuff
* Bring 100 rounds of pistol ammo
* Bring 5 rifle magazines AND 2 pistol magazines. Hopefully you have marked/named/numbered your magazines
* Ensure you have reliable iron sights or reliable/tested/proven optics
* Your vest or webbing must hold the 5 x 5/20 or the 5 x 5/30 magazines you will need, depends on your platform.
* Your vest should have pouches for 2 pistol magazines
* Your vest or webbing should be reliable (read: avoid the mall ninja, airsoft renditions) so buy quality
* Single point sling (Vickers, BFG, Magpul MS3... my favorite by far)
* Bring extra ammo, whenever in doubt (better yet double my suggested round count)
* a bottle of lube (CLP, oil, grease, KY Jelly)
* 2 or 3 pens/pencils
* small rag
* ear protection (electronic means are recommended)
* Ballistic glasses are mandatory
* an open mind
* a sense of humour
* Read about some gear preparation ideas here:


Bring them on!


Keep an eye right HERE in this thread!


$ 100 for Guests, and $ 80 for members; by EMT only. I hope you bank online, EMT is an option at your online banking options. Once you pay me, you are registered. It's that simple! :D

I will keep updating this thread regarding the numbers and spaces remaining!

EMT Information:

Name: Tactical Teacher
Question: What is your Original CGN handle?
Answer: hungry (all low caps so I cannot mess things up)
Email address: hungry556 AT

Somewhere in the EMT, remind me of your CGN handle AND which clinic it's for (PR or CQB or M14), and the DATE also :)

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Hello Good Folks

Ill be runnin point here Tactical Teacher so if ya have any questions you can also PM here as well now that Im back in country here.
Im lookin forward to havein this sport grow in a big way an with your help Im sure of its success for future events for the South Ab CQBers.
Alrite folks lookin forward to see y'all for this epic event.

Hey buck, are you also a member at CDTSA? Not sure if I've met you there yet, I'm more often at Sheppard because of time restraints, though I get out to Milo once in a while.

I'm in for the other days, but if it's better for Barney and the course, I can do this one, just need to know what's best for you guys sooner than later. I've got a buddy who's coming who's also a member of CDTSA.

If this course isn't full, I don't mind this one instead.... might be good to get a little more attention from the teacher ;)
Please make sure that non members take note of the road use restrictions for access to the range.

Will likely see ya there!
Please make sure that non members take note of the road use restrictions for access to the range.

Will likely see ya there!

Great point Outlawninja!

Everyone who's coming, please note, you *MUST NOT* use Range Road 224. It is a condition of our range approval agreement with the county. NO ONE attending the range is allowed to use this road. There have been a lot of accidents on it because of people who are not used to driving on these types of roads, and the county and locals have insisted we do not have ANYONE use it.

When you are going out there, you'll go east on Highway 23 (opposite direction of High River, at the main High River exit, sign says towards Vulcan). You'll go straight for a little while, the road banks left, then right, straight for a bit, banks right, then left (basically takes a detour around a bit of property), then eventually you'll get to the intersection at Highway 24 (south would go to Lethbridge). You'll cross here, and keep going straight for about 20-21 KM. You'll see Range Road 224 on your right - go past it. Next right is Range Road 223 (Hard to forget that one). Turn right, (going south) it is a dirt road. The sign for CDTSA Milo is fairly small. You'll see McGregor Lake a little southeast of you at this turn. If you end up seeing McGregor Lake on your right and are going past it, you've gone too far. Once on RR 223, keep going until your first right, and turn right (going west now). CDTSA gates will be there shortly. Hard to miss it.

Please don't put our range at risk by taking 224. If anyone does find out or sees you, you likely will be asked not to come back. It sucks, but the county was very serious and insistent that we do not have people using RR 224.
Very tempted to come out for that Barney. Now to see if I can get a couple of days off, and pull up a couch at my sister's place.

After all, Desert Eager numbah one!! ;)
Very tempted to come out for that Barney. Now to see if I can get a couple of days off, and pull up a couch at my sister's place.

After all, Desert Eager numbah one!! ;)

If you come out and need a ride, I can possibly help with that. I'm in the south-west of Calgary, and I'd have room for two guys in the truck (well, three if I really needed to, but the guys in the back seat probably won't be super impressed)
Hey Barney,

One last question for you, would we be able to use 22lr for this exercise? I have an M and P 15 22 which is restricted (unfortunately) and wondering if this would work? Looking at using a Gokarev for the Pistol.

Any thoughts would be helpful for a noob;)
KCPrice: Thanks for the suggestion of using Range Road 223; that's a great reminder.

.22 LR ? You can but it's nowhere near as fun as a 9mm or .40 or .45 or .380 (or whatever) 7.6x x 25mm Tokarev.

Bring on the questions you may have! :cool:

Cheers, :wave:


I'm thinking of using the Smith and Wesson M and P 15 22 with 22LR ammo which is almost exactly like the big brother version AR that shoots .223. That would be the main rifle to learn with and I would use a Tokarev for the pistol. Was hoping to get a cheap DPMS for that day but looks like I gotta save up more and my wife says I already have to many guns, like 4 is enough;p
Hello Barney; questions regarding the pistol : Do we need holsters and holster certification ? If yes, what type/kind ?
I don't want to register for the course and found out I don't have what I need and "my #### will fell off" ;)
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