Calgary TSE M14 Clinic - Saturday 10 Sep 2016 - Debrief here!

Yup looks like I might be making the drive out from Vancouver for this one!!!..I have at least one 2007 Norc m14s that needs bedded into its USGI stock, A.R.M.S. 18 scope mount installed and tune/tweaks done...
Yes, still spots and Z71.... we have 2 Kelowna guys making that drive!

Darn, I did an M14 Clinic in Abbotsford back in 2004 and then a Squamish M14 clinic back in 2013. Those were fun times! :wave:

I really wish I didn't break my leg last month, I've been waiting for this since the last time you came to Calgary. Hopefully This happens again next year!
What a great day it was here at The Shooting
Would go again in a heartbeat and it's my third time.
To find someone with so much knowledge on the subject that is able to pass this on to others is stunning in this age. A sincere thank you Barney. Semper Fi.
Thanks Barney. It was an excellent learning experience. Now I know which tools I really need.
It was fun and casual. Everyone got along and looked to be having a great time.
Hopefully, our " pirate suppression tools" can withstand the wrath of NDP pirates......:)
Had a great time! Thanks to Barney and the boys at TSE for the venue. It was tons of great info and loved the stories!!! Will be back next year hopefully a CQB as well! It was a great group of anti-piracy contractors to hang out with for the day! Thanks again!
Thanks Barney,
It was great to get a real down to earth mechanics course, and see the real problems , and solution , most of the time quite simple when you know what to do
Learned lots, Would like to go to the advanced m14 day "2" clinic ,

Great group at the clinic too and a shout out to THE SHOOTING EDGE for hosting and the 10% off the 5.11 gear.

Adversity to advantage , Thank you
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