I would love to own a Swiss Arms. I'm just afraid to buy one and have em go prohib again lol. These look bad ass.

They seem to be approved NR but for 4000$ you can buy a Swiss arm (they are also made in swiss) so nothing to see here...

And the barrel is shorter than 18 inch so you will have to add a 300$ barrel on top of that to make it NR
Hi all,
so are these in fact approved non restricted, or is the title of the thread just a joke?


Would I joke with you? :) It is now official, we have the approval from the RCMP SFSS, restricted or non restricted depending on barrel lengths. We have a model approved with a 19 inch barrel so non restricted, not sure what our price will be but they will be coming with a factory manufactured 19 inch barrel as standard. We will also have some standard short models (Restricted) as well. As soon as our sample is back from the RCMP SFSS we will post videos,, we have been working on this classification since July 2014. I would expect our price to be comparable to the US although $2,000 US seems a little optimistic, I expected to see our retail price closer to $3,300 Canadian but can not confirm anything until next week.
I'm not sure what it is that I like about this shooter... I think it's ugly but I want it for some reason

If they did something to blend in, or re-style the stock, that would help in the cosmetic department (and would presumably boost sales a bit too--because you can't go to war with an ugly rifle :)

Hopefully the 19" NR variant will have a longer handgaurd to protect/balance out what is bound to be a long projecting barrel...
Would I joke with you? :) It is now official, we have the approval from the RCMP SFSS, restricted or non restricted depending on barrel lengths. We have a model approved with a 19 inch barrel so non restricted, not sure what our price will be but they will be coming with a factory manufactured 19 inch barrel as standard. We will also have some standard short models (Restricted) as well. As soon as our sample is back from the RCMP SFSS we will post videos,, we have been working on this classification since July 2014. I would expect our price to be comparable to the US although $2,000 US seems a little optimistic, I expected to see our retail price closer to $3,300 Canadian but can not confirm anything until next week.

I'm in John (this, USW and.....) APC9 HOPEFULLY SOON
This is excellent news! Surprised the lab didnt say it was "easily converted" and give it the ban hammer!

Initially they did, it was the third example that was finally approved, most manufacture's would have given up but B&T Ag supported us all the way. As I said before we have been working on this since July 2014, hopefully we will now see a return for our efforts.
I am in for one when they land. You guys deserve our support for carrying this rifle to the finish line. And non-restricted to boot!

Quick question. The military version is a 5.56 but the civil market version is .223 I'm guessing they just changed the name for market. But can you confirm we are getting the 5.56 chamber?
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I am in for one when they land. You guys deserve our support for carrying this rifle to the finish line. And non-restricted to boot!

Quick question. The military version is a 5.56 but the civil market version is .223 I'm guessing they just changed the name for market. But can you confirm we are getting the 5.56 chamber?

+1 on this
Initially they did, it was the third example that was finally approved, most manufacture's would have given up but B&T Ag supported us all the way. As I said before we have been working on this since July 2014, hopefully we will now see a return for our efforts.

Well let's hope this means the same for the APC9 then

You guys are in Gen III for the APC9 John??
I told my wife that we were now going to have to sell one of our kids, and maybe the dog too. She could decide which one goes ....

I guess your wife should be happy it was down to the dog or kids and not herself! Did I ever tell you it cost me more to bring my dogs to Canada than my wife, when we immigrated! My dear Pat just loves me telling the world that, but those dogs are long gone and I still have the same wife, bless her.
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