New 7.62X39 Ammo Arrival Update?

combo with type 81? It would be nice
I doubt it, unless they had a sample of their own submitted to the RCMP that got approved, and a production run lined up for import this year. I don't think we'll see other variants from other sources in time for this new ammo source. Unless they get some from Tactical Imports for an ammo bundle's sake. TI has already stated the next batch isn't till 2017, and I don't see all 1000 rifles lasting on the shelf for more than a couple months, I could be wrong. Mine's pre-ordered, and at $1000, there's no way i'm feeding it the same ammo I feed my SKS, which is whatever corrosive surplus goes on sale, so i'm definitely excited to see this new ammo hitting the market, if the price is as good as they say i'll pick up as much as I can afford, and make my own combo :)
Well, the good news is that our dollar is tickling $.80 cents and oil is about to go through $45 a barrel! The dollar hasn't been this high since last July. That should help keep the costs down, we are up .13 cents from the lowest point of our dollar!
Well, the good news is that our dollar is tickling $.80 cents and oil is about to go through $45 a barrel! The dollar hasn't been this high since last July. That should help keep the costs down, we are up .13 cents from the lowest point of our dollar!
good news for us, but if CAN-AM paid for it when the dollar was lower we will be paying for this ammo accordingly
Hopefully they did not pay for it yet, or at least not all of it, also he said there was a limitless supply so maybe he is taking deliveries every month or two so as not to get stuck with expensive ammo.
We are worse than my kids on a long trip - "Are we there yet??"

Oh I know the feeling. 2 almost teenage daughters.
Funny thing is I don't think I need anymore ammo as I have about 7 crates of non corrosive.
Still can't help wanting more.
Try 5 daughters

I feel your pain. All my daughters are teenagers. Travelling with women who have to pee every 45 minutes is hard on a cop who has developed a bladder the size of a football from years of drinking coffee on the road. It is impossible to make time anywhere we go!
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