SEMI AUTO Mg-34 Light Machine Guns.

Sweet.... So let's get this straight....if someone did this with a Browning .50 cal it would be nonrestricted? Unlimited belts aka pre 45 and such wow have we found a loop hole...hope JT and the Libs aren't reading...

There are NR browning M2's. Recently there was a new prohibited frt assigned to the current production TNW versions as the receivers being used were from full auto guns rather than never assembled parts kits.
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Imagine how awesome they would be in 7.62x39? I haven't looked for it recently but I don't think there is heaps of 8x57 surplus available anymore?

Site says 50 round non disintegrating metal belts. Pretty cool.
I asked about that back in 2009. was told the gun is 1200 plus dewat done by marstars smith. the price got real high quickly, could only imangine what a conversion to semi would cost.
There are NR browning M2's. Recently there was a new prohibited frt assigned to the current production TNW versions as the relievers being used were from full auto guns rather than never assembled parts kits.

The main reason is that the RCMP would like all 4 sides including the trunnion to be of new manufacture.
I am pretty sure the Norwegians converted them to 7.62x51 and also .30-06 but stuck with the 7.62x51. All you have to do is find the .308 barrel and get a feed tray extension thingy

You are correct the Norwegians converted some to 7.62x51 years ago, we bought most of them....
NEVER any in .30/06 no way, the 8mm case is 57mm, the Nato round 51mm but your .30-06 is 64mm, it simply does not fit....
Your conversion is a little simplistic, there are several changes to make including changing the recoil booster.... The feed tray has to be blocked for the shorter round
For what its worth
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Just send me 1 of each and I'll get to tinkering to make it fire semi auto only.

All kidding aside isn't there a few 42's flaoting around?
Also what would the cost be to get a verifier to deem them semi only?

Mg-42s, we designed and had our guns approved, they are on the FRT, there are a couple of pre productions guns floating around we never went ahead with production.
The verifier has no say in what is or is not a semi, there are regulations on them....
Just send me 1 of each and I'll get to tinkering to make it fire semi auto only.

All kidding aside isn't there a few 42's flaoting around?
Also what would the cost be to get a verifier to deem them semi only?

Converted autos are prohib.

New receives wouldn't be converting them. It would be destroying one receiver and using parts to make a new gun off a new receiver.
Converted autos are prohib.

New receives wouldn't be converting them. It would be destroying one receiver and using parts to make a new gun off a new receiver.
Also, If one were able to find a never assembled parts kit, The firearm could be assembled as a semi auto only and it would be NR because it is a "new" rifle.

"converted auto" only applies to firearms that were assembled as such at one point in their life.
Also, If one were able to find a never assembled parts kit, The firearm could be assembled as a semi auto only and it would be NR because it is a "new" rifle.

"converted auto" only applies to firearms that were assembled as such at one point in their life.

You would think so.

But sadly that is how they went after the 858. Because the receivers were "intended" to be assembled into full auto, the extra welds didn't count. A full auto receiver is always a full auto receiver even if it wasn't initially assemble as such, but built as such, having never fired.

Receiver has to be newly made as semi auto.
Sounds very contrived!

One would need to set up a stamping press and manufacture new "semi auto" only receivers.

Never really had I look at a MG 42 , does anyone know if the barrel shroud is integral to the reciever ?

I owned one of the 2 pre production models of 42's
Had an unfourtunate event in life which forced me to sell
It was truly an amazing piece that i miss horribly... Would love to see more of these
You would think so.

But sadly that is how they went after the 858. Because the receivers were "intended" to be assembled into full auto, the extra welds didn't count. A full auto receiver is always a full auto receiver even if it wasn't initially assemble as such, but built as such, having never fired.

Receiver has to be newly made as semi auto.
the currently non restricted M2's would be prohibited then if your assertion was correct for all firearm receiver designs.

The reason they are not prohibited is exactly what I posted above and why current ones TNW offers that are built from working full auto rifles are in fact prohibited with the new FRT.
the currently non restricted M2's would be prohibited then if your assertion was correct for all firearm receiver designs.

The reason they are not prohibited is exactly what I posted above and why current ones TNW offers that are built from working full auto rifles are in fact prohibited with the new FRT.

The TNWs (1919 or M2HB) become prohibited for the simple reason that a semi auto RHSP assembled together with the rest of the parts kit is deemed too easy to convert to full auto.
In the US the BATF accepts a receiver made with just the RHSP. Here you now recently must have newly made 4 sides and trunnion. They only did that because they regret having let them in the first place. The ones already out there are ok. New ones subject to the new FRT.
So any new coming 1919s or M2s for example have to be to Canadian specs-----> all new receiver + trunnion.
That being said if you tried to make a 1919 with all new parts yourself and submitted it, it would be rejected. Ask ATRS.
Only a TNW made rifle would be acceptable but only if it had all new receiver. So for the M2HB, it's the same thing. Any old ones already here are ok....any new M2s would have to be compliant to the new rules. Something like that...Lol
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