CZ858......Important Update...

The worst part is this money I was saving up was for my Type81 :-( . I guess Ill just have to wait a few more months now...

15 minutes to go, haven't slept, dog and cat are sitting next to me waiting too, lights are off, curtains closed, my mouth is dry, heart beat is at 120, I should go to work but I'm sitting here since days now waiting for the countdown.
While I'm typing this I notice it's down to 14 minutes. Heart beat is now at 130, air temperature is rising and the walls are starting to sweat.
13 minutes left.
My dog and cat are starting to do odd things I don't recognize them.
I type so slow it's now down to 12 minutes left.
I contracted tourette syndrome.
My roof is now leaking from the pressure inside.
I see some light sneaking inside the room from a not closed enough curtain, bastard makes me forget the countdown is 11 minutes now.

Dog and cat are now hiding under the bed making exorcism noises, it sounds like they speak some very demonic language who gives a #### countdown is at 10 minutes now.

Building is about to collapse, Wolverine better find a way to accelerate time so I can escape before it's too late.

8 minutes left, space time starts to slow down.
My wallet is already crying. My computer is red hot I can't touch it.

12:55 Quebec time, alarm on my cellphone ringing reminds me about this operation so I don't forget. How could I forget.

Wolverine website is slow and jammed, this whole operation might fail.
Countdown is at 4 minutes. I can't load the page, technical problems start to appear.
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5 mins, BTW I found Wolverine's pages are starting no response when I refreshed, are you sure your website will not crash?
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