Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, fool me thrice let's go 2 court

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CSA as well. That being said, I had to send my CSA to them once for ever gassing, and again for an out of spec receiver side rail and both times was fixed properly and promptly. OP I hope a positive resolution comes from this. Good luck.
I have to commend you on standing up for your should have a functional product, its what is expected when you buy new stuff.
this said, not to sure of the way you handle this, if i was a distributor like NS or any other for that matter, i would not be very happy with the dirtying campaign you are running.
and, even if i really don't think they are doing this on purpose. they wont lose their name for a few dollar worth....its only a pps-50 after all.
From the past : brought my SS Para 16-40 to NS for small warranty repair ( one leaf on ambi-safety was broken) and got it back after six weeks and bunch of phone calls with many scratches on the slide and frame . Great service .
I remember your last thread. This is unbelievable. To the people saying they wouldn't be happy being called out like this. This how s**t gets done these days. My wife and I had a defective GM product. Its funny how quick situations are resolved once social media is involved. Fight the good Fight!

Funny that NS doesn't even have a response......
I had a Walther issue Slide cracked whole process 1 call ,shipped in , inspection , replacement part to my door , less than 10 days : so they are capable of replacing "broken" parts .
As to diagnosing issues and "repairing " something , maybe not so much ANSWER : replace the product for the customer handle the rest with the manufacturer .
Sounds pretty simple to me
Screwing someone over in todays economy is a pretty stupid move! ( Not that it is ever acceptable ) Just this bad press should be enough for them to lose more in potential future sales that what the cost would have been to give you gold star service. Shame on them. I hope you get what you deserve.....both parties!
Confession: I'm drawn to the drama of this story, but have encountered bad customer service like most people. (I've had no dealings with NS for the record) I would certainly hope that the OP didn't get something back from NS with a note that read "screw this guy" (or similar) written on it. If so, it would add "careless & insulting" to the list of issues with their customer service team. Normally, I can't stand seeing "smear" posts on CGN and prefer issues like this be dealt with privately, but if everything the OP stated is true, I don't blame him at all for posting.

As cliché as it sounds, the internet has a way of making the world a small place. All businesses exploit it to drive sales numbers (understandably) but on the flip puts poor customer service under a microscope pretty quickly too. I think you lose a little credibility when you're available to "sell sell sell" then hide behind a curtain when things go sideways.
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