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Thread: The fight of our lives

  1. #41
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer Mumbles Marble Mouth's Avatar
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    They want to make all semi auto's restricted so they have to be registered and then they can come after them later when they make them prohibited.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Wolverine View Post
    It is to late when they are knocking on your door, this is the typical Canadian way, to wait until it is to late. I can not advise you to break the law, if you own restricted or prohibited firearms there are records, these records are badly flawed and if you are prepared to go toe to toe with the authorities and argue the point you may well get away with it. My advice is to follow the law until such time as your legally possessed non restricted firearms are called in. Now I can not advise you to break the law, but I have heard that Mike from Canmore (at least I think it was him) is planning to take a shovel and a GPS when he takes his soon to be restricted semi auto rifle on one last shoot!

    Time to get political active now so we are not backed into a corner. Fight politically now, you have nothing to loose and everything to gain.
    Where can you buy cosmoline? Seriously.

  3. #43
    CGN frequent flyer ESP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TT1900 View Post
    You do live in a free country but this isn't the United States and gun ownership is not a fundamental right in Canada.

    All men and women are fundamentally free, it is a natural birth right.
    Wars were fought against tyranny that tried to impose on these fundamental natural rights.
    Just because the supreme court 'ruled' you into believing your fundamental natural rights are some 'gift' provided to you does not make it correct.
    Last edited by ESP; 04-16-2016 at 10:58 PM.
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  4. #44
    CGN Regular gregb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Wolverine View Post
    In your case I think the correct reply is : "If you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem" time to wake up and smell the coffee before it is to late!
    Part of the Problem...Where's the problem? Are they banning Semis right now, banning handguns? setting up confiscation camps? re-classifying? banning .50 Beowulf Mags? (Apparently that was all supposed to happen immediately after the Liberals took power)

    How are we supposed to fight a problem that hasn't happened yet? Shotguns that look like AR's = No problem (Non-Restricted). We can tighten the tinfoil and speculate, fear monger, create a ruckus that just makes us look more fanatical and easy to target? I'm confused.

  5. #45
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer Kingjenky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ESP View Post
    Wrong answer, all men and women are fundamentally free, it is a natural birth right.
    Wars were fought against tyranny that tried to impose on these fundamental natural rights.
    Fac ya!!! 100%
    We are all so politically correct!!!! its gonna ruin us all......

  6. #46
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer FreedomIsn'tFree's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TT1900 View Post
    You do live in a free country but this isn't the United States and gun ownership is not a fundamental right in Canada. What is occurring here is exactly what men & women in uniform have fought for; so that opposing views can be openly expressed and acted upon by an elected body in which every Canadian of age has a say through their vote. I say this as a 12 year member of the regular force.

    Do I agree with S-223, not really. Do I think the senator who put this forward is unenlightened on the subject, sure. Do I believe gun legislation needs to be reformed and updated, absolutely. But saying things like " it's a fight for our lives", "you'll have to send in the military", and "this is a criminal act" is plain foolish and plays right into the hands of our opponents. Generally gun owners are portrayed as uneducated, reactionary, and ultra-conservative by the anti-gun lobby. Look at what has been written in this thread and you'll see why that portrayal stays in the public mind. We are our own worst enemies.

    If you want to change things invite friends, neighbours, and co-workers to the range and hunting. Pay for their ammo, introduce them to the people, show them how genuinely friendly the community is. Get your ranges involved in community activities beyond shooting; Serve at a soup kitchen, have charity shoots to raise funds for the local SPCA or Hospital, and network with other clubs and recreation associations. Invite your MP, MLA, Mayor, Police Chief, and prominent community members out to show them why you love what you love. Ask them ALL to sign a petition against S-223 at the end of their visit. I suspect most will.
    "Fight OF our lives". History has shown what can happen when citizens are disarmed and if there is a push to do so, you should be concerned.
    It's better to have questions you can't answer, then answers you can't question.
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  7. #47
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer Kingjenky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gregb View Post
    Part of the Problem...Where's the problem? Are they banning Semis right now, banning handguns? setting up confiscation camps? re-classifying? banning .50 Beowulf Mags? (Apparently that was all supposed to happen immediately after the Liberals took power)

    How are we supposed to fight a problem that hasn't happened yet? Shotguns that look like AR's = No problem (Non-Restricted). We can tighten the tinfoil and speculate, fear monger, create a ruckus that just makes us look more fanatical and easy to target? I'm confused.
    Wow!!!!have you read s-223? Go back to bed!
    We are all so politically correct!!!! its gonna ruin us all......

  8. #48
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer bsand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davie Sprocket View Post
    We again have to be prepared for what is coming. We have to support each other, it is that easy. From the black gun guys to the bolt action deer hunters we must all be banded together. We must support each other and crucify any and all that push another group under the bus. In the early 90's we could have banded together we all could have said enough, but instead we had groups literally offer others as an alternative, take them first approach. I was there I watched people say hey don't buy that gun, its only gonna get you in to trouble. You know what I listened to those guys, I didn't buy the AK I wanted, I didn't buy the sten I wanted, I listened to these so called senior gun owners. I was only 20. Now I say now more. They helped the anitgun groups like the coalition as much as windy and her ilk. If we are not together then we all fall. All the way down to the single shot .22lr guys. It is that easy.

    There is a fight coming and gun owners need to accept that they either support every gun and its owner or none at all.
    This, unfortunately the other day at the range I overheard an older guy talking to a younger guy, and saying as long as they don't come for my long guns (wood bolt actions) I'm OK! What I wanted to say was, no your not OK, that's what they thought 20 years ago when they left all 12.x owners under the bus. Now I'm just left thinking what the heck can I do to stop this from happening?
    "From My Cold, Dead Hands." - Charlton Heston

  9. #49
    Member rmyguy's Avatar
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    Msg sent to Celine: As a previous Canadian Forces soldier and medical professional, I urge you to cease and desist any further pushing of bill S-223. You are not targeting criminals. You are further alienating a group of people who lawfully follow every law in place which is more than adequate. I suggest you find something better to do than attempt to punish people who have done nothing wrong. We don't need your bill or you for that matter. Best to get on with that retirement.

  10. #50
    CGN frequent flyer Jabotinsky's Avatar
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    I don't want to see a re-run of what happened in the UK. Lots of owners were happy to see the semi and handgun owners thrown under the bus years later still leaves a bitter taste in my mouth!

    If we really want to fight it. It is going to cost money I have mentioned before about a legal fund I think it's time to start one now and lets get prepared.

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