The fight of our lives

Mr Wolverine

CGN Regular
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Manitoba. Canada
The Fight of our Lives

This is a wakeup call to all firearms owners, I am not trying to be melodramatic but as a firearms owner I think we will be fighting for our very survival in the next few years. The normal Canadian way is to be retroactive on issues, we cannot afford that complacence and think that others will carry the torch for us, now is the right time to be proactive. We need to be active in every possible way to defend our right if we wish to maintain possession of our legally owned property.

We have a majority Liberal Government, they can ram any gun control Bill they like down our throats, research Bill S-223 if you haven’t already done so. We need to make the Liberals aware that such an act would cost them the next election. That the reclassification of all semi auto firearms (except ,22 caliber) to restricted or prohibited is not enforceable. That there would be massive non compliance. That the native communities would bitterly oppose this and that the only way to enforce it in those communities would be to send in the military as the RCMP do not have the resources, I just can’t see that going down to well.

Very shortly the CPC will be voting on new policies. It is absolutely essential that the CPC four point firearms proposal is voted in as CPC policy. Then if we can delay the liberals’ enacting new gun control laws until the next election and change the Government to CPC we will have made some meaningful progress. If we can’t halt the Liberals then we have to practice massive non compliance and work with the CPC.

What can you do today? It is very easy, do as I have done, join your local CPC Riding Association, become a director on that association and if at all possible become a voting delegate at the CPC Policy Convention 27 May Vancouver. See you there. 
The Fight of our Lives

This is a wakeup call to all firearms owners, I am not trying to be melodramatic but as a firearms owner I think we will be fighting for our very survival in the next few years. The normal Canadian way is to be retroactive on issues, we cannot afford that complacence and think that others will carry the torch for us, now is the right time to be proactive. We need to be active in every possible way to defend our right if we wish to maintain possession of our legally owned property.

We have a majority Liberal Government, they can ram any gun control Bill they like down our throats, research Bill S-223 if you haven’t already done so. We need to make the Liberals aware that such an act would cost them the next election. That the reclassification of all semi auto firearms (except ,22 caliber) to restricted or prohibited is not enforceable. That there would be massive non compliance. That the native communities would bitterly oppose this and that the only way to enforce it in those communities would be to send in the military as the RCMP do not have the resources, I just can’t see that going down to well.

Very shortly the CPC will be voting on new policies. It is absolutely essential that the CPC four point firearms proposal is voted in as CPC policy. Then if we can delay the liberals’ enacting new gun control laws until the next election and change the Government to CPC we will have made some meaningful progress. If we can’t halt the Liberals then we have to practice massive non compliance and work with the CPC.

What can you do today? It is very easy, do as I have done, join your local CPC Riding Association, become a director on that association and if at all possible become a voting delegate at the CPC Policy Convention 27 May Vancouver. See you there. 

lol yea lets all make a huge show of and make absolutely clear that every gun owner is against them - i am sure that is absolutely the right strategy...
lol yea lets all make a huge show of and make absolutely clear that every gun owner is against them - i am sure that is absolutely the right strategy...

In your case I think the correct reply is : "If you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem" time to wake up and smell the coffee before it is to late!
The Fight of our Lives

This is a wakeup call to all firearms owners, I am not trying to be melodramatic but as a firearms owner I think we will be fighting for our very survival in the next few years. The normal Canadian way is to be retroactive on issues, we cannot afford that complacence and think that others will carry the torch for us, now is the right time to be proactive. We need to be active in every possible way to defend our right if we wish to maintain possession of our legally owned property.

We have a majority Liberal Government, they can ram any gun control Bill they like down our throats, research Bill S-223 if you haven’t already done so. We need to make the Liberals aware that such an act would cost them the next election. That the reclassification of all semi auto firearms (except ,22 caliber) to restricted or prohibited is not enforceable. That there would be massive non compliance. That the native communities would bitterly oppose this and that the only way to enforce it in those communities would be to send in the military as the RCMP do not have the resources, I just can’t see that going down to well.

Very shortly the CPC will be voting on new policies. It is absolutely essential that the CPC four point firearms proposal is voted in as CPC policy. Then if we can delay the liberals’ enacting new gun control laws until the next election and change the Government to CPC we will have made some meaningful progress. If we can’t halt the Liberals then we have to practice massive non compliance and work with the CPC.

What can you do today? It is very easy, do as I have done, join your local CPC Riding Association, become a director on that association and if at all possible become a voting delegate at the CPC Policy Convention 27 May Vancouver. See you there. 

I thought the person supporting this bill sounded familiar......

Just days before the OPP review was released Thursday, RCMP officers started appearing in public, openly carrying MP5s on the Hill. The newly visible firepower has alarmed some parliamentarians, such as Senate Liberal Céline Hervieux-Payette, who has complained to the House of Commons and Senate Speakers’ offices.

“I’m afraid. I feel uncomfortable,” she said. “I hate to see someone with a machinegun.”

Somebody doesnt have a freaking clue.
The OP knows exactly what he's talking about, having been in this game long enough to know how it works.

Time for firearm supporters to put their differences aside and work together for a change. I think the OP makes a good suggestion and I think we should be demanding some guidance from our gun orgs as well.

Or you can do what some of us are best at, strap on the pads and prepare for a dry insertion. During C-68 we had the same folks telling us not to worry, they would never go through with it.
Get involved, we are likely preparing to face the biggest challenge to ownership that we ever will.

Good to see a retailer taking point on this issue. Where are the rest of you guys?
So which organization do we get behind?

Also I think every effort should be made to get new shooters involved in the sport, strength in numbers!
I just read the whole proposal!!! I'm not the smartest guy at all but my eyes are wide open ta what coming. And I'm not sure even if every gun owner stood up and barked that we could change this and prevent it. But if we don't they will steam roll it right over us foesure. This really makes me sick.
Or join the liberal party. Pretend you are like them. Don't mention guns. Be the best damn liberal you can be. Gain their trust. Get placed in a position of power. And when it counts, throw a monkeywrench in the works.
So put up an addressed form letter that everybody can print off, sign and send off. Otherwise nothing will be done. Even *that* may be too much work...
I agree man but when they show up to enforce this new law and they know we have restricteds what are you to do. I know what I wanna do buuuuttt!

It is to late when they are knocking on your door, this is the typical Canadian way, to wait until it is to late. I can not advise you to break the law, if you own restricted or prohibited firearms there are records, these records are badly flawed and if you are prepared to go toe to toe with the authorities and argue the point you may well get away with it. My advice is to follow the law until such time as your legally possessed non restricted firearms are called in. Now I can not advise you to break the law, but I have heard that Mike from Canmore (at least I think it was him) is planning to take a shovel and a GPS when he takes his soon to be restricted semi auto rifle on one last shoot!

Time to get political active now so we are not backed into a corner. Fight politically now, you have nothing to loose and everything to gain.
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