This is why we will not vote for Liberal again Bill S-223

Hoy crap guys....just relax. It's started by a senator who moaned and complained that she was "being held against her will" in a Room guarded by Mounties and security at parliament hill during the attack there. She's well known as a bit of a winger....soo thats why the response on a previous post. "She will be retiring at the end of the month...."

Too bad she gets a ridiculous pension for being. ....who she is .......
My Recommendation you vote Liberal,you get a refugee.You Vote again you get a refugee family and so on. That will fix em. Any monies that the rest of us have pay should come out of the CBC slush fund.

I didn't vote for the fool.I saw a post that said. "Male pattern baldness our only hope"Showed Trudolt senior. Then they showed Mick Jagger and it said we're doomed. I can't remember where I saw it, I was busy choking on my beer
We need to let the Liberals know we won't tolerate any more gun control from them. I've written a letter and made it available on my site. Just enter your postal code and click your MP. When you get to the letter page you'll be able to have the letter addressed to the Prime Minister or Public Safety Minister too. Once you've filled in your address (NOT saved in any way on my site) and selected a recipient you can then get a PDF or text file to print. If anyone wants their letter put on the site just PM me or post the letter here.

Now this is an example of someone making a difference. This is great work Doug. Let's get this site circulated to all threads and dealers to promote it further.
OK so we all voted Conservative and yet here we sit. It's great saying write your MP but my area MLA is a Liberal. Might as well head on desk. She's to busy grazing to care what I think.

Luckily like KidGlock posted on the previous page that old dinosaur who entered the bill is retiring.Whew .

But for the next 3 1/2 years expect more of the same. We Have be proactive. I like some of the stuff Rebel Media is involved in. I write when I think it may do some good. If anyone has good solid Idea's I'm all ears
Westrifle and all employes voted for conservatives. I made sure that all my friends voted for them. I had many discussions and verbal fights with people who "were tired of Liberals and wanted a change" . Liberals the one that introduced registry and gst. Now they want raise gst and ban guns. Can someone put a letter together for people to write to their PM. Also we need petition going. If we don't do something we will become like Australia

I am glad you cleared that liberal is a sin
19 April 2016

The Honourable Ralph Goodale, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Public Safety
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A6

Dear Minister:

Senate bill S-223, "Strengthening Canadians' Security and Promoting Hunting and Recreational Shooting Act", a most disingenuous title if ever there was, is a danger to both public safety and Canadian heritage.

Canadians have a long and rich heritage with firearms. Nostalgia aside, this country was founded by bold explorers, trappers and hunters. This heritage has carried through the generations. Indeed, The Dominion of Canada Rifle Association was founded in 1868. Throughout our history, responsible Canadians have hunted, practiced marksmanship and participated in competitions both at home and abroad.

Bill S-223 would move close to half of all firearms owned by Canadians into a new restricted category (called circumscribed in the bill) that would severely limit, and in many cases eliminate, Canadians' ability to enjoy their rich and responsible heritage activities.

Bill S-223 would require millions of handguns and semi-auto long guns to be stored in central locations. As of
2012 there were over 4.5 million semi-automatic long guns registered. When you add handguns to that tally and include new imports since 2012 the figure quickly grows to 6 million. Assuming there are 1000 clubs in
Canada that could build suitable storage facilities (there are not), that would mean each one would have to house 6000 firearms. Assuming this were even possible, who is to bear this cost? Whether funding is federal or provincial, are there not better uses for these funds?

As a government that prides itself on making data-driven decisions, I would be most interested in learning how this proposed bill would address the current state of gun violence in Canada. Can you point to statistics where registered/legally owned firearms are being used in the commission of crimes? Perhaps the funds necessary for storage under this proposed regime might be better spent combating the flow of illegal firearms from the United States and bolstering police forces who meet this threat head on. According to Statistics Canada, 46% of all homicides committed with a firearm were gang-related. It would seem to me that this would be a logical place to focus our efforts and limited resources.

I believe that Canada's current laws regarding the licensing of firearms, while imperfect, strike the balance between public safety and responsible ownership. I further believe that this will be borne out by statistical analysis, but only the government has access to such data. I implore you to at least make this data publicly available when discussing any future legislation. This will allow for a richer public discourse as to the merits, if any, of the proposed legislation. Canadians need to know and understand not only what the government wants to do, but why and how this might make for a better Canada for one and all.

Should you have any questions, comments or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,
Because when you vote the only thing you should be concerned about is gun rights right? You're right, SOME Canadians are so stupid. And you're one of them
If you voted for the Libs and believed their "sunny ways" crap, and voted out the Cons just 'cause you didn't like Harper,
And by the way, my kids thank you for the opportunity you have given them, to pay for your stupidity for the rest of their lives.(not really):bangHead:
What do you mean "Don't vote AGAIN for them"?

What gunny in their right mind would have voted for them the last time around??? Libs are a bunch of imbeciles.


I don't think anybody on this site with a brain cell voted for them this time.
nice trader rating, troll somewhere else

How does Highvelocityplaya's post informing you to read the entire thread before posting on it constitute trolling? and what the heck does a trader rating have to do with anything other then the fact that person buys and sells firearms/accessories on CGN.
I don't think anybody on this site with a brain cell voted for them this time.

Well it appears Gunnutt thinks voting Conservative due to a person's stand for legal common sense Firearms ownership is not only invalid, but it cause to call a person stupid.

Voting Conservative is more then about the Liberals desire to take away firearms from Canada's law abiding citizens; as it appears the Liberals would prefer to place our great country in significant debt and our children/grand children in debt for the remainder of their lives as well rather then work as they should to build alternatives to placing us all in massive debt.

Remember people the best way to judge a person's (or a political party in this case) is on their history and the Liberal's history is all about wanting to restrict/prohibit/remove firearms from it's most vetted and law abiding citizens while incurring huge debt w/o a valid plan to be able repay it...

Cheers D
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