What are you looking to purchase next?


Expired Business Member
I wonder what do people want to buy that is legal in Canada but they can't find supply of?
Tell me if it is an accessories or firearms that you search for.
Ammo as well.
I want to bring new product to our website !!!!!

Surplus 8mm mauser ammo !

Surplus 303 ammo

Real 20-30 round (block to 5) ruger magazines

Chinese mosin

Yugo Sks

Yes you need to check on usa side....
I'd love to see more mags AR a reasonable price for the sks, and I have a short action Remington 783, I'm after some extended or stock magazines
surplus anything really, surplus market is starting to dry up, what becomes available seems to be snatched up pretty quick. If you can get some nagant revolvers or something that would be sweet.
bring in the norinco Type-88 rifle tactical imports had them a few years ago but there have been none since id buy one of them day 1
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