

CGN Ultra frequent flyer
Nanaimo, B.C.
I'm wanting to know the history of the Non-restricted CZH2003 Vz58.
I know some where defective and sold-off 'as is'. What was the going rate for those?
I purchase one that I think was a defective rifle that was sold to me as 'OK'
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I have one,can't say it's defective,it's always worked 100% for me.

My only complaint is disassembling the trigger 100% is not possible due to the block welded in to prevent conversion of the full auto function .
Was the bolt ever replaced on your rifle?or the barrel?

I had one issue with mine when I swapped in a new bolt and carrier,the go guage wouldent close,tried another bolt and carrier till it worked out. I know of one other rifle that was converted to non restricted with a new barrel that had the same problem,he actually took the carrier and bolt I had and it ran just fine .
to my knowledge the czh2003 was only ever brought in as a 15.6" barrel,so chances are it was rebarreled,though I could be wrong.

is it salvageable?
to my knowledge the czh2003 was only ever brought in as a 15.6" barrel,so chances are it was rebarreled,though I could be wrong.

is it salvageable?

I had a non-restricted one that had a chrome-lined bore and was finished in that paint-like czech finished. Definitely done in the Czech republic. Sold it to buy a Swiss Arms a few years back before the whole classification fiasco. I was kicking myself while that was going down, the CZH2003 remained non-restricted!
Yes the definitely made non restricted czh 2003 with chrome bores. Marstar was the original importer for that version.

Good to know,I have only ever come across 2 others,and both were restricted .man I wish tue shirter barrels were non restricted,it would make such a handy truck gun
There's quite a few vz58 receivers available in the US,same goes for parts kits.they aren't the easiest to assemble though
There are a stockpile of the receivers in Czech Republic, but who cares? Nobody wants to import them.

YES there are receivers available in the Czech Republic, however they are FA receivers taken from guns that were stripped, therefore cannot be used in the manufacture of SA rifles for Canada
Head-space was a bit tight. Dlask had use a make-shift tool to ream it out. First one they've ever seen like that.

I had one with too much headspace(realized after i had case head separations) as a barreled receiver, was bought from marstar 'as is' so I wasn't super happy but I think it cost like ... $99 was the going rate IIRC for the as-is barreled receiver.
Completed it with a parts kit from wolverine, needed some shaving of trigger parts to fit the civilian receiver.
So I had a complete rifle for like $300
Then I had a local smith, who tried every bolt lug out there - all swallowed a no-go, so he welded material to the lugs to bring the bolt forward and it worked.
Fired it a bunch more than traded it + $200 for a dpms lower/colt upper complete rifle.

I explained the history of the gun when I traded it. And the fixes. Guy didn't seem to mind but I never heard from him again, hope he was happy.
I had one with too much headspace

Then I had a local smith, who tried every bolt lug out there - all swallowed a no-go, so he welded material to the lugs to bring the bolt forward and it worked.

I really need to get this fix done on mine. Mine is a non-restricted with chrome bore and the headspace was no-go regardless of the lugs. This was a common problem with those rifles back then. My bad experience with this unsafe rifle made me no longer trust the EE on CGN and I will never buy a used firearm ever again. It is cheaper to sell a lemon than fix it, and I was unlucky enough to get stuck with it. At the time I always told the problem was with my ammo (I had been told the lacquer on the surplus Czech ammo was causing the stuck cases and that it was my fault for buying cheap ammo. The cult of the VZ-58 was very strong here back then and they declared it was my fault for not cleaning it right). It was over a year and 2 gunsmiths later that the headspace problem was discovered.

I gave up and bought a CSA, and put this lemon in the gunsafe for half a decade.

There is no local smith in my province who can do that kind of work but I was planning on getting it done eventually. I have had people offer to buy it but I will not re-sell an unsafe rifle.
I bought the restricted version of this rifle back in 2005 or 2006 from Marstar. I have NEVER had a problem with mine. Never a jam, misfeed or misfire. One of the best guns I ever purchased and most fun next to my Hungarian AK and C1A1.
I bought the restricted version of this rifle back in 2005 or 2006 from Marstar. I have NEVER had a problem with mine. Never a jam, misfeed or misfire. One of the best guns I ever purchased and most fun next to my Hungarian AK and C1A1.

Same with me. Got one of the first batch in 2005. It hasn't had a single problem. It does leave you looking like you just flew a sortie in a Sopwith Camel if you put too much lube on the bolt/carrier though!
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