
So, I'm the lucky guy who bought it - and having lots of fun with it. I've fired raw blanks - birdseed load and even one lead cannon ball. With lots of research, it has all worked out well. Would love to hear more from Marstar. Why have they designated it as antique? Why do they feel feel it is high quality steel barrel? What led them to determine it was shootable? Why did they advertise it as .75 cal when the bore is only .742? So much I'd like to know about it's history, but Marstar hasn't been answering my queries. I'm real happy with my purchase, but sure am curious about the claims made in the ad.

Very cool! thanks for sharing!
....A cannon is classified as an antique under the firearms act because it is considered a black powder matchlock to my understanding. If it was percussion to set it off, it would be NR. Hope that helps.

It does help. I had considered that but looking up "matchlock" didn't seem to fit the "actions" I was seeing. That is a plausible explanation though.

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Nice! What did you shoot in that video?

Good question. I researched cannons and loads for a month before I fired it. I started at 50 gr of Fg. That load was 90 grains of Fg Goex - then an 11 gauge fibre wad - then a medicine cup (~150gr) of bird seed - then another 11g fibre wad - more for tamping than to hold things in place. 3mm 30 second/ft fuse. It will take quite a bit more, but this load is pretty satisfying.
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