New Arrivals from Ex Yugoslavian Army Stocks

Just the rifle. Would have liked the pistol as well, but I've already got a Russian TT, so that box is checked, for now. I didn't inquire about anything, I'm throwin' the dice!

I did want a nice shooter, but depending on how it looks and whatnot I may end up keeping it "preserved".

Nobody has answered if there are any matching #'s or bayonets included... I don't think the market for M48A's is that strong, even with matching #'s. There are mismatched M48, A's and a B that are on the EE and they're not asking a lot of money for them.

I think when you get into the A's with the stamped parts that the resale value decreases. Yugo's are great shooters though, I'd like to get another but this is more than I paid for my M48.

On the other hand, that pic of an M48A is a rifle in great shape with a lot of accessories that are missing in some of the others that I've seen. I'm still thinking about it. If there's a Bayonet included, I think I'd do it for sure.
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Nothing else I have seen says excellent condition, still in grease, I doubt if there is a bayo, as he doesn't show it in the pic. I f do buy one this would be it, for an extra $100 and you get the pouch and sling!
I have 3 yugo rifles. M48 BO, M48 and M24/47 and they are full match. If these come from Yugoslavia i am pretty sure they are full match. Ordered an M57. I am surprised they dont cost more than it's said. They are pretty rare and we dont see them on EE.
I have 3 yugo rifles. M48 BO, M48 and M24/47 and they are full match. If these come from Yugoslavia i am pretty sure they are full match. Ordered an M57. I am surprised they dont cost more than it's said. They are pretty rare and we dont see them on EE.
Have you shot the M57? Are there differences between them and the tt33 or Polish version? I want to get one but only if the don't have the export markings.
Mags are not inter changeable between the M57 and the TT33..
Oh that sucks, I have a bunch of tt33 mags! Well we will have to see if Tradex has some.
Edit: Tradex has them in stock $35. A piece, little pricey compared to the tt33 but probably harder to get!
As soon as I find out they don't have the export markings I will order one! I like the tt and these look pretty cool!
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No one knows yet if either one is,, we asked but no reply so I just asked the first folks that get one to let us know how they are! I don't think they are but not sure!

Just checked the status of my rifle at the post office....and looks like it'll be here in the morning! I'll try and give a quick update when I pick it up about the markings and condition.
Great, if the rifle is marked, I don't mind so much, it is pretty well hidden on the Mosins and SKS, but the TT33 looks bad and I wouldn't be interested if the M57 looked the same.
I talked to a fellow at TEC on the phone and was told the Yugo M57's are NOT NOS, and NOT refurb either. They apparently are simply used military surplus in grease, I am guessing "lightly used" (hopefully). Supposedly heavier feeling than the civvie/commercial Zastava versions. I always like to know the condition of the bore on these things, as they've usually had corrosive ammo shot through them, but with the grease, they say they cannot verify the bore condition, so IMHO this seems to be a bit of a roll of the dice. One good thing, FWIW, I was also told these mil-spec versions were made prior to the import marking rules, so they have NO export markings on them.
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I talked to a fellow at TEC on the phone and was told the Yugo M57's are NOT NOS, and NOT refurb either. They apparently are simply used surplus military surplus in grease, I am guessing "lightly used" (hopefully). Supposedly heavier feeling than the civvie/commercial Zastava versions. I always like to know the condition of the bore on these things, as they've usually had corrosive ammo shot through them, but with the grease, they say they cannot verify the bore condition, so IMHO this seems to be a bit of a crap shoot.. One good thing, FWIW, I was also told these mil-spec versions were made prior to the import marking rules, so they have NO export markings on them.

Any idea of manufacturing date
Well, here it is, in all it's gooey glory! I snapped a few pics with my phone, not the best but it'll give you all an idea of what they look like. First off, a big hat's off to TradeEx! The boxes were taped up real nicely, it arrived very quickly considering the long weekend, oh yeah....the rifle is pretty nice too! ;)

So this is just the unpacking:


Double boxed!


And drum-roll please!









I'll start off by saying I'm no expert on anything, but this is BY FAR the greasiest mil-surp I've ever bought! It's not greasy either, I should stop saying that, it's like glue. Super glue, that's semi-malleable. That paper that's stuck to the end of the stock I suspect is now part of the rifle! Seriously though, I'm sure if I cleaned it up it'd be a brand new gun! Numbers matching, the bluing is superb, the grain on the stock is beautiful, honestly the couple pictures don't do the stock any justice at all. The only thing I could see that was a little marked was the bottom of the mag. I forgot to take a picture of the sling and ammo pouch, but they're nothing fancy, definitely used. All in all, I'm very happy I jumped on these!

Now I'm faced with a serious problem. I bought this with the intention of having a really nice shooter, but it's almost too nice! I shoot my guns, always have, but this may end up being my first "collectable". Hmmmmm....... :HFU:
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