Treasure Hunt

Instead of the current treasure hunt, why not make it a trivia, skills testing question, with all successful respondents who found the hidden question and answered correctly will have their name entered into a random draw. The name drawn then has 24 hours to complete the purchase. As it is right now, the only potential beneficiaries are the guys with no job and fast Internet connections, not necessarily loyal, long-term Marstar customers.
the only potential beneficiaries are the guys with no job and fast Internet connections, not necessarily loyal, long-term Marstar customers.

Can't we be both?

But in all seriousness, people would then complain about how easy it is to google an answer and that the draw isn't fair either. I agree that the timing may be off, but you also can't please everyone.
Instead of the current treasure hunt, why not make it a trivia, skills testing question, with all successful respondents who found the hidden question and answered correctly will have their name entered into a random draw. The name drawn then has 24 hours to complete the purchase. As it is right now, the only potential beneficiaries are the guys with no job and fast Internet connections, not necessarily loyal, long-term Marstar customers.

Very cool idea

We will try and come up with something similar for the next one
Instead of the current treasure hunt, why not make it a trivia, skills testing question, with all successful respondents who found the hidden question and answered correctly will have their name entered into a random draw. The name drawn then has 24 hours to complete the purchase. As it is right now, the only potential beneficiaries are the guys with no job and fast Internet connections, not necessarily loyal, long-term Marstar customers.

We could have jobs. we might just be on holidays or be shift workers.

I enjoyed myself and i assumed that the they would be hiding the gun in a section to boost views therein and potential sales.
Instead of the current treasure hunt, why not make it a trivia, skills testing question, with all successful respondents who found the hidden question and answered correctly will have their name entered into a random draw. The name drawn then has 24 hours to complete the purchase. As it is right now, the only potential beneficiaries are the guys with no job and fast Internet connections, not necessarily loyal, long-term Marstar customers.

No, I'm working nights. Keep it the way it was. Just out of spite for that guy.
I was being facetious guys! But jeez, must've struck a nerve or two! :) Sorry! :) Thin-skinned treasure hunters aside, when the "hunts" are over in 10-15 minutes, only a handful of Marstar customers will get to participate in the fun. My suggestion would bring more eyes to their site, while allowing everyone the same opportunity to "win". What's wrong with a level playing field?
I got the email about the treasure hunt the other day. This is a great idea! I look forward to the future ones.
That's WAY more fun than johnone going off on folks.

Lol I dunno about that. I love those threads. It's like reality TV except in thread form. Some people just need to get slapped the #### down and John is really good at it. Laugh2
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