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Thread: Guilted

  1. #21
    CGN Regular
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    Thanks guys, appreciate the feedback.

  2. #22
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer Butcherbill's Avatar
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    I've had similar conversations with my liberal anti brother in law and his girlfriend, minus the are you going to kill us question. They're not that stupid lol, I always maintain my point of view on the subject and always extend a range trip invite on my dime so they can experience first hand why people enjoy shooting guns.

    I've made some progress with them, I had them handling a bunch of my guns when they came over for dinner. They got to see the safe storage side of the coin and hopefully some of the fear of the unknown was dispelled. I will eventually get them out shooting haha.

  3. #23
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    It is funny as I am in this group as well, there has been the mention of firearms and doing harm to others(won't say if family or friends), to much TV I think and everyone thinking they are an FBI profiler, it is actually not funny at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Challenger2010 View Post
    Had a surreal conversation last night with a family member while visiting last night. Just awful.

    Since 1997 when I acquired my FAC which was then renewed to a PAL/RPAL, I had never made an attempt in all those years to buy a firearm, of any kind. Aside from buying 2 rounds of ammo during all that time.

    About 3 months ago, I started getting back into this by researching clubs, what kind of firearm I would like to attain etc. I even started going to a club and start in on their handgun safety course in order to be a member. Part of the probationary period is to go through 4 sessions as a guest the club and learn the in's and out's of the clubs policies, range etiquette, gun safety, etc etc.

    Then last night the Orlando situation happened. I get confronted by this family member barraging me with questions like......"What's with you and the gun thing all of a sudden?????" and "What do you need with a thing like that????" "You're not actually thinking of buying one are you???" and the worst one of them all "You're not going to kill us are you????"

    It was the worst.

    Am I alone on this???? Have other's here been given the 4th degree on this stuff? It's one thing to get this from friends. I just blow them off, but from family. How do other's here cope/deal with this?

    FYI, I'm a middle aged male and I live on my own.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kelly Timoffee View Post
    It is funny as I am in this group as well, there has been the mention of firearms and doing harm to others(won't say if family or friends), to much TV I think and everyone thinking they are an FBI profiler, it is actually not funny at all.
    My first thought on reading that was "Well, no wonder they were worried. According to Criminal Minds, you're 9000% more likely to commit a murder 20 out of every 25 episodes per season."

    Seriously though, insinuating someone you know well is going to go on a killing spree because of an object they own > owning guns in terms of the "that's disturbing, what's wrong with you?" scale to any reasonable mind.

  5. #25
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    Wow, tell that family member to get the F out.

  6. #26
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    Did your family / friends ?/ etc recently get theyre meds mixed up ??. I just watched a show a night or two ago , about pharmacies getting perscriptions mixed up and the results seemed kinds familiar to the situation you went thru .
    But in reality you are gonna meet these kind of people in any situation
    Why did u buy a ford
    why did u put grey siding on your house
    why did you grow a beard
    you have a rotweiller ????. it will eat your children
    and personally I,m enuff of , and confident in my :A hole : abilities I likely would have dead panned a reply like ... Hmmm, not today ... I usually do my killings on Fridays ... And I usually start with the women and kids first . Just so you know .

  7. #27
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    "You aren't going to kill us are you?". This is classic transference! Some years ago I watched a video where a psychiatrist who dealt with gun violence studies mentioned this exact thing. Persons unfamiliar with firearms often fear those of use who are shooters. Why, because the only personal association they have with firearms is the have often thought, in their own mind, of shooting someone in anger. Therefore, they associated this personal thought to everyone else. Making them particularly afraid of firearms owners. I'm sorry I can remember more on his study. He was a Jewish fellow who had worked on the study for a U.S. University. I'll do a search on the Internet to see if I can find it. If I do I will post the link.

  8. #28
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer propliner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mp425 View Post
    "You aren't going to kill us are you?". This is classic transference! Some years ago I watched a video where a psychiatrist who dealt with gun violence studies mentioned this exact thing. Persons unfamiliar with firearms often fear those of use who are shooters. Why, because the only personal association they have with firearms is the have often thought, in their own mind, of shooting someone in anger. Therefore, they associated this personal thought to everyone else. Making them particularly afraid of firearms owners. I'm sorry I can remember more on his study. He was a Jewish fellow who had worked on the study for a U.S. University. I'll do a search on the Internet to see if I can find it. If I do I will post the link.
    Then the OP can copy and send it to the grown baby.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by propliner View Post
    Then the OP can copy and send it to the grown baby.
    I'm sorry but why should anyone waste precious time and energy making someone with an obvious mental illness feel all warm and fuzzy? That person needs to go pay for professional help to overcome their paranoia and irrational fears.

  10. #30
    CGN Regular Dave_G's Avatar
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