8.5 Grizzly Mags?


CGN frequent flyer
I looked through the forum and didnt find any recent threads asking about this... I also looked through the EE and found quite a few WTB threads for 8.5 inch mag fed grizzly's

Just wondering if you know if, when youll get more of these. I have a tube fed now but see the mag fed is really more what I'm looking for. Even looked into swapping the 8.5 parts onto a mag fed receiver, but that appears to be a no go due to the lower tube needing to be swapped as well.

Id buy one immediately if you got any more... or if you happened to find one hanging out in your warehouse somewhere.
2 Things DA could do to these guns that would greatly improve them over the originals would be ghost ring sights and threaded barrels. I currently have an 8.5 tube fed and these are 2 things I REALLY wish it had. still... any 8.5 inch mag fed shotgun is going to be sweet.

I just really want to grab a gun and ammo package... preferably 00buck combo.
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