Course Contest: Tavor Prize Pack

My choice would be the Tavor. I'm very happy with the one I have now but would like to get the latest generation of Tavor that would be compatible with the 9mm conversion kit.
I love the cz but hate that look of the long barrel so for me it would be the tavor all the way.... and it takes beowolf mags.... hands down tavor.
Tavor Tavor Tavor......with a 9mm Canadian non restricted conversion kit. ��������

...Because the handling of a *classic* Battle Rifle appeals to me the best.

Bullpups as a closes second (My favourite 'modern' configuration).

And thirdly, the VZ platform is my favourite x39 slinger - but the number one in cleaning/ break-down.

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Time to expand the prizes!

We'll be shipping these inside a genuine British Army ammo can! We'll have photos up ASAP.
Unquestionably I'd pick the Tavor. It is the only one there designed for warriors by warriors for the realities of modern dynamic urban combat. Whether it be taking aim with marksman like precision at combatants city blocks away or clearing room to room the Tavor is simply the whole package; compact, ergonomic & modular to sum up she is sleek. Battle tested.

Where as the Swiss rifle is a front heavy overspecialized weapon that was designed for a fictional defensive war to "snipe" hypothetical foreign invaders at 600m in the Swiss Alps. Not exactly what one would call "versatile".

On the other side of the fence we have the CZ/VZ, a cold war relic with one foot in the grave that has been hastily retrofitted in an inane attempt to stave off obsolescence. Secondly I can't imagine the rifle inspires confidence with it's open falling breechblock action completely exposed to the whims of the elements and anything else that may float bye.
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Tavor all the way. Easy for my wife and kids to handle, can be used easily in or transitioning out of a vehicle. AND it's non-res in Canada!

Also, i already have a CZ858 so adding a Tavor to the collection would be next.
All right, we are officially giving these away on the 27th! One week left!

Your prizes will ship in a special container:

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