Course Contest: Tavor Prize Pack

Considering our laws, I have to go with the Tavor. It allows for a much shorter, yet still NR, rifle in a fun, easy to use package. Not to mention you'll be keeping up with the sci-fi crowd in terms of looks :)
Considering our laws, I have to go with the Tavor. It allows for a much shorter, yet still NR, rifle in a fun, easy to use package. Not to mention you'll be keeping up with the sci-fi crowd in terms of looks :)
Tavor for me right now.

1st of all looks :)

Second, NR status.

Combat proven, reliable platform.

Rock solid feel, compact and easy to maneuver, but light weight!

Standard AR mags which are readily available anywhere

Full length rail system makes putting any optic a breeze.

Convertible to 9mm easily with conversion kit.

Cool acessories by Fab defense (podium).
I'd choose the Tavor. From my limited experience with one it really struck me as a practical, ergonomic and accurate bullpup. Love the gear and courses coming out of Zahal. Repeat customer here, keep up the good work and thank for supporting Canadian shooters!
I would choose the Tavor. It is incredibly well designed for the IDF. It is battle proven and found to be very reliable in the field. It is simply designed which enables it to be taken down and maintained very easily. The bullpup design means it is compact enough to carried/maneuvered inside a vehicle as well it is not cumbersome to be shouldered and manipulated over longer periods. The rifle's rail placements have been well thought out which allows the user to outfit it with whatever accessories are required and all can be placed within easy proximity to the hands so they can easily be manipulated. The Tavor has also been gaining support by many good accessory manufacturers and there is a growing range of products out there through retailers such as Zahal, to upgrade many parts of the Tavor. The Tavor in my opinion is a far more advanced and well rounded system then the other rifles suggested here. It is more expensive but in the long run it is the better investment.
The Tavor in my opinion is a far more advanced and well rounded system then the other rifles suggested here. It is more expensive but in the long run it is the better investment.

lol... this tread is the funnest these days !!! I read every posts carefully ;)
Own all three they have there merits
-vz because it takes 7.62x39, somewhat modular. Ak reliability, with milled quality better then many ak stamped actions.
-Swiss arms built like a Swiss watch everything is quality, best iron sites hands down on any service rifle, proven design and quality, reliable, accurate.
-tavor because it's very short in length with out sacrificing barrel length. Economic high quality construction. Ak reliability, battle proven, light weight. Modular and much aftermarket support that is only growing.
I would go with the Tavor. Love that rifle, super compact and excellent balance. Great quality rifle with some fun aftermarket possibilities.
I would go for the Swiss mistress. Because she is just so ###y.

Though I am planning to buy a tavor and I have owned a few VZ-58s.
If someone was handing them out? The Swiss arms because I already have the other two. But if I were to have to be a regular on "the walking dead" or just to keep doing what I already do with my rifle? I'll stick with a Tavor. I'm very comfortable with it now, and while it's unfortunate the Israelis have had cause to use it, it's been tested. And I imagine the IDF doesn't rock the Tavor just because it looks cool.
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