treasure hunt.

Oh hell this is a sale. I thought it was a treasure hunt, as in scour the website and first one to find wins it for free...
Dang it I'm going to have to cancel this order, I just can't justify spending $400+ on another SKS even one dressed up.
Sorry Marstar I really thought it was a "win something free" type treasure hunt like you guys and other sites did before.

I was excited to search for and more excited to find the SKS combo but I thought that all I would pay for was the shipping charges. Please accept my apologies, I will have to read contest descriptions more carefully in the future.
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I have a $1000 marlin 795 hidden somewhere in my house. First person to pm me gets to buy it.

I like the treasure hunts, Even if they are to buy somthing. I don't see the issue, It fun for some. I had no intrest in this tho and didn't even bother to look. But I have looked for others.
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