GSG 110rd Drum Magazine for the Ruger 10/22

making more laws against firearm owners that is near impossible to enforce is not the direction we should be going
I comply with the law, not RCMP bulletins that contradict the law.


RCMP are here to inforce laws, not create them. Hell Police forces are not even supposed to show political party bias or endorse any in particular but it seems most, especially the OPP forgot that one too.

If this becomes law...not a bulletin for one area (E) of RCMP then it is there duty to inform the 10,000s of people who have owned these legally and safely for decades that the laws have changed...9/10 gun owners in this country do not use CGN.

...unless their goal truly is to charge as many people as possible with prohibited magazines to both collect up guns/magazines, make some money in fines and scare both current and future gun owners away from the sport?

Your once legal property you bought and paid taxes on now must be modified (at your cost/time) or destroyed at no compensation to you!!!'s the Canadian way, for "public safety" of course. :(

Remind me again how many legal gun owners with Bulter Creek 25 rounders have gone out and attacked people?!
Just saying it's not a rumor.

Great first post after almost 3.5 years and still a big fat O trader rating!!!


How did the RCMP gain the ability to makes laws? Especially with Parliament on summer recess. What is there reasoning for allowing these HIGH CAPACITY DEADLY MAGAZINES go unrestricted for decades then?!?!?!

Insider liberal troll/reporter perhaps? Itching to hear something juicy or?
I comply with the law, not RCMP bulletins that contradict the law.

Exactly. The RCMP seem to think this is a dictatorship or something. The law has been written. There are many years of documents compliled that show these mags are legal. . .even from the RCMP themselves. So today they decide to interpet it deferent. Were they wrong for so many years? Have they been letting countless criminals run free for decades?

Unless the written law changes, it will be mighty easy for even a probono lawyer to beat this one.

FYI.... That is credible form and is country wide. The main thing at least is that being caught with one does not count as a stand alone charge unless you commit a crime using it or remove the pin.
Don't you think a vast majority of police officers are in the same boat as everyone else?
I am sure they hunting or go shooting at the range. I know a lot of them are not happy. It does suck that we have to put up with a handful of people who are in government labs who probably don't even own guns making changes for the majority, but don't get upset at the officers out on the street because they have no say on what comes down the pipeline.

YES! Write your MP and make your voice heard.

Nice first post. Although the form may be a credible form across the country, it still doesnt make it the law. End of story.
Why not just pass a law that says you cant use a high capacity rimfire mag in a pistol.

That way people can keep their Chargers and their 10/22 mags and not be criminals. Problem solved and no confiscation of millions of mags.

I posted this in another related thread but it's the same idea...

An easy fix would be...

If you own a Ruger Charger pistol (and I do not think they are very common up here)...and being restricted the RCMP know all who do...THEN if you own any 10/22 magazines over 10 rounds they must be pinned...send out a letter to those owners.


STOP ASS-uming the legal gun owners who jumped through many hoops and pass daily background checks are all mass murders and cop killers!!! It is proven we are some of the best members of society, our likelihood of comminting ANY crimes are significantly less then the average Joe...

If you do not even own the are you gonna use them in the pistol?! *sigh*

The things are bulky, ugly and lack iron sights...most people who own them in the USA do so for small game hunting/backpacking with a small red dot or scope on top...totally (sadly) illegal here with that anyways.
Its a scare tactic. They are giving a 30 day grace to get it pinned. Then state, how pin removal is if you pin your mag, then find out this isnt the law, you are still ####ed... "sieze and charge"

... I refuse to stop using these mags. In fact im going to use them more.

I am also willing to donate to anyone who takes a charge over this, to help take it to court, so we can use legal precident against them. They previously issued bulletin 72 clearly stating their "stance" on how the law was written.
Just because they removed that bulletin doesnt mean it wasnt published. I keep a copy with my guns.
And ypu can pretty much guarantee it was used to protect some one in this country when he was caught with an "oversized mag" by an inexperienced cop.
If there is even one case in Canada where the bulletin 72 was used in court, legal precedence will show that the RCMP has already defined their stance on the law. Case closed.
What he said ...

Its a scare tactic. They are giving a 30 day grace to get it pinned. Then state, how pin removal is if you pin your mag, then find out this isnt the law, you are still ####ed... "sieze and charge"

... I refuse to stop using these mags. In fact im going to use them more.

I am also willing to donate to anyone who takes a charge over this, to help take it to court, so we can use legal precident against them. They previously issued bulletin 72 clearly stating their "stance" on how the law was written.
Just because they removed that bulletin doesnt mean it wasnt published. I keep a copy with my guns.
And ypu can pretty much guarantee it was used to protect some one in this country when he was caught with an "oversized mag" by an inexperienced cop.
If there is even one case in Canada where the bulletin 72 was used in court, legal precedence will show that the RCMP has already defined their stance on the law. Case closed.
As well as mine.....anything I'm looking for that can be purchased from Wolverine supplies will order shipment info was emailed to me this morning ....thank you John and staff.
The increasingly tyrannical RCMP and regressive-leftists of the Trudeau Liberals must be concerned about mass non-compliance.
The compliance with the long gun registry was what? 50%? 60%?
There are literally millions of these 25 round mags out there...most owned by those holding non-res licenses.
And before I get attacked, no, I'm not promoting "illegal" acts. I've always complied with the law of the land re: firearms. I'm simply stating an obvious issue.

actually,,the true compliance of the original Registry never got over 15% of know firearms in canada at that time,RCMP kept extending the amnesty from charges for over 3 years after the introduction of the registry trying to get gun owners to comply,but it never happened,firearms owners kept their gun UN-registered for over 20 years,none of them got scared and registered them,so imagine today,with social media and every body having acces to everything that is going on in OUR country and around the world,anybody seriously think TODAYS gun owners would comply more, likely,so in truth,all these guns will ALWAYS be here,and the chicken #### anti-gunners will never know where they are,
It appears that "All" mags above 10 rounds for the 10/22 are now prohibited according to some of the new info that are coming out.... I am curious why people are still jumping on these sales....are you willing to risk everything and try to plead ignorance in the event if you get caught with a prohibited device (if they are not pinned by then)? I am not trying to be condescending ....just trying to see the logic behind the behavior...or is there something I am missing here.

Yes, there is absolutely something you are missing here.

It appears that "All" mags above 10 rounds for the 10/22 are now prohibited according to some of the new info that are coming out.... I am curious why people are still jumping on these sales....are you willing to risk everything and try to plead ignorance in the event if you get caught with a prohibited device (if they are not pinned by then)? I am not trying to be condescending ....just trying to see the logic behind the behavior...or is there something I am missing here.

actually,what you are missing is that some guys have the guts to keep their toys they paid for with money they worked,and by keeping on enjoying their high cap mags are thumbing their nose at the RCMP,and if you live in the country,the chance of ever being bothered is pretty slim,,not to mention,,you'd have to be pretty stupid to keep those mags where they can be found,
When I show up at my range with all my "Over Capacity" Mags.....
What's going to happen, if even the moderators on THIS FORUM are banning any trading on the EE of these 10/22 mags?
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