RCMP "E" Division Broadcast reguarding Ruger 10/22 rifle magazines.

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Mr Wolverine

CGN Regular
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Manitoba. Canada
This is the letter that I e-mailed today to my two local CPC MPs

Good day Gentlemen

Let me first of all give you some basic background.

The Ruger 10/22 is a semi auto non restricted rifle in caliber .22LR. This rifle is extremely popular in Canada, most rural households with firearms will have at least one. I believe these rifles have been available since the “seventies”.

As a semi auto rim fire rifle there are no magazine limits in law. Aftermarket 35 and 100 rd magazines have been freely sold for years, are extremely popular and legal to possess and use.

The Ruger 10/22 “Charger” is a short barrel version of the rifle and is classified as a Handgun due to the short barrel. This has been available since approx 2007, this firearm is not very popular and magazines made specifically for this firearm would be prohibited if they held more than ten rounds.

The “E” Division Broadcast below would have us believe that there has been some change in law to make all Ruger 10/22 magazines that hold more than 10 rounds prohibited because they will fit into a handgun namely the Ruger "Charger". This is contrary to all previous RCMP communications concerning magazine capacity and the law.

My understanding is that Parliament is in summer recession and therefore is in no position to change the law or make new regulations so unless this “Broadcast” is based on a court decision it has no basis in law.

In my opinion the RCMP have changed their interpretation of existing regulations and are trying to intimidate Canadian citizens into believing this is law.

We operate Wolverine Supplies in the RCMP “D” Division area and we have heard nothing directly on this issue.

Please investigate this issue and advise so that we can continue to operate within the law.

Best Regards
John Hipwell
Wolverine Supplies
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good on you john. Why not send it direct to the PMO's office? This would not have happened with the conservatives.
There was no legislation change. The RCMP is making crap up as they go and try to intimidate the public.

I say the RCMP should go suck a Costco size bag of d*cks.:mad:

Thank you guys for standing up against this.:wave:
As an rcmp officer in sask i can say nothing has been sent to us in "F" div about this. If this was a new "law" we would have gotten a canada wide broadcast which is fairly common to get regarding any new messages or policies etc etc.
As an rcmp officer in sask i can say nothing has been sent to us in "F" div about this. If this was a new "law" we would have gotten a canada wide broadcast which is fairly common to get regarding any new messages or policies etc etc.

Thank you sir, I will add this info to my letter to my MPs. This letter will also be going onto Face book.
As an rcmp officer in sask i can say nothing has been sent to us in "F" div about this. If this was a new "law" we would have gotten a canada wide broadcast which is fairly common to get regarding any new messages or policies etc etc.

Thank you for weighing in and giving us feedback from the front lines!

And please excuse the rude remarks directed at the RCMP in general. We gunnies get downright fur faced when the actions of a few bad apples result in negative comments about "gun owners" yet don't seem to have a problem slagging the whole thin blue (red?) line for things over which they have no control and may not even agree with!
Support you all the way John , you are great asset and ambassador for us firearm owners. I mean that honestly , not kissing ass lol. The work you did getting those semi shotguns as NR and many other things in your time is awesome.
Finally , one minor thing in the letter I noticed is shouldn't it be 25 and 100 mags not 35 and 100. As they seem to possibly be going after the 25'ers pretty hard. Cheers
As an rcmp officer in sask i can say nothing has been sent to us in "F" div about this. If this was a new "law" we would have gotten a canada wide broadcast which is fairly common to get regarding any new messages or policies etc etc.

Thank you for sharing. I hope you are able to keep us informed if things change.
There was no legislation change. The RCMP is making crap up as they go and try to intimidate the public.

I say the RCMP should go suck a Costco size bag of d*cks.:mad:

Thank you guys for standing up against this.:wave:

You are 100% right.
The RCMP is a "law enforcemnt force" employed by the government ( ulitimately us the taxpayers ) to enforce the laws made by elected officials in legislation.
The RCMP is not a body that is permitted to MAKE LAWS and this has to be taken to supreme court of Canada to stop these bully tactics so often employed by the RCMP and by extension the Canadian Firearms Center.

@Wolverine - Would you be interested in starting an online petition (change.org) type thing.

Maybe not specifically about the 10/22 but certainly regarding the fascist way that the RCMP are allowed to alter the law as they see fit in a very concerning conflict of interest for the Canadian public.
@Wolverine - Would you be interested in starting an online petition (change.org) type thing.

Maybe not specifically about the 10/22 but certainly regarding the fascist way that the RCMP are allowed to alter the law as they see fit in a very concerning conflict of interest for the Canadian public.

Good idea. That I would sign.
So much for fairness, justice, due process, rule of law and that crap. It appears the our national police force are not only tasked to enforce the law but also make it up as they go along. Someone in Ottawa needs a quick hard kick in the ass.
As a retailer of this product, could Wolverine contact the manufacturers and get them involved legally. They have deeper pockets and probably have legal counsel on payroll.

RCMP pulls this crap because they know that the average owner has neither the means, nor inclination to fight. The manufacturers have a financial vested interest. This change is arbitrary at best. The rcmp will use our own tax dollars to fight us. We pay twice.

While this change by the rcmp holds no legal merit since they haven't actually changed the law (since they cannot), they would no doubt be called as expert witnesses who's opinion carries weight. Having said this, their change in opinion may indeed result in harassment of people in legal possession. There will be officers towing the company line that will do the bidding of their politically charged superiors.
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