RCMP "E" Division Broadcast reguarding Ruger 10/22 rifle magazines.

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Thank you once again for your efforts Mr. Wolverine, I have been and will always be a proud supporter of yours...

Who is going to fund the gun owners side legal fee wise, to take on all that would cost a fortune, that's why I think changing the laws is impossible.

So you're just one of those who wants everyone else to do their work and pay their way for them?

If you believe it's impossible why don't you just go bury your head in the sand as it's likely to get the same result. Or you could step up and be part of the solution by working with other like minded people to raise funds to fight these injustices and write local and federal politicians in an effort to get them recognizing that this is a concern for many thousands of law abiding firearms owners who are voters too.

If we have to rely upon ourselves (and remember their are 7 million of us and that numbers growing daily) to be an organized and self funded group of responsible firearms owners to fight these ridiculous regulations, then so be it. I'm not a wealthy person and neither are my shooting buddies, yet we agree that we're all determined to do what we can afford to stop these freedoms and choices from being stripped away.

Many here chose to be optimistic and go about getting positive outcomes from their efforts in making changes that will stop injustices like this from happening, you should search your soul and attempt to gather the same commitment from yourself.

You may be new to this firearms community Cliffy, but do not believe that this fight is something new as many here like the "Wonderful Mr. Wolverine" have been at the fore front of this battle for a very long time.

We will all need to remain connected and ever united to stay the course of what is likely to be a lifetime of effort, keeping the Canadians Firearms community intact and well...

Cheers D
Nobody has shown any evidence that any magazine laws have been changed so I hardly see that you would be a criminal.

I got the first hand story today: brother-in-law was stopped last Sunday by the Saskatchewan Conservation Officer for having Butler Creek 25 round magazines for his Ruger 10/22. The Sask CO was visiting with the farmer on another matter and the brother-in-law happened to be shooting ground squirrels on that farmer's property with permission. The Sask CO told him to take them [the three (3) Hot Lips Butler Creek 10.22 25 round magazines] home and do not take them out hunting again because as of August 21st the Sask CO's have been instructed to immediately seize any Ruger .22LR magazines capable of exceeding 10 rounds that are not pinned and arrest the person in possession of them for violating section 84 of the Criminal Code.

It sounds like the Saskatchewan Conservation Officers have been instructed to enforce the change.
This is the exact same thing that happened with the Mossberg 715. But not many cared about that. Mossberg released the 715 T with a 25 rnd mag, a few yrs later a 715 pistol came to life. So the CFP banned the 25 rnd mags. They weren't even in Canada until IRG imported 1. According CFP , It do not matter how many are here, just that they're available . So we let the first one slide, are we gonna let the second one slide too? Need to forget about the pistol and how many are here, it do not matter. Focus on the firearms laws more.
I hope all of you realize that any COP on this website reading the forums will pretend to be sympathetic to this issue and at the same time copy and send all of the ideas and counter arguments we come up with to their superiors just accept the fact that there is nothing any of us can do, it is a losing battle and there are many moles running around I am quite sure.

wow.... you should cancel your cell and internet and not visit this site again before they track you and kick in your door!

this battle will be won unless actual law is changed..... then it becomes a war not a battle.

we need positive action! no quitters.
I hope all of you realize that any COP on this website reading the forums will pretend to be sympathetic to this issue and at the same time copy and send all of the ideas and counter arguments we come up with to their superiors just accept the fact that there is nothing any of us can do, it is a losing battle and there are many moles running around I am quite sure.

Your tinfoil is wrapped so tight it's cutting off circulation to your brain.

There's lots of RCMP officers here that are civilian firearm owners and they are on our side.
I'd like to thank RCMP E Division for it's recent motivation for me & other folks I know to recruit new people to our hobby. We need more numbers. The more gun owners the harder it is to bully us. We should all be encouraging new gun owners.

I hope all of you realize that any COP on this website reading the forums will pretend to be sympathetic to this issue and at the same time copy and send all of the ideas and counter arguments we come up with to their superiors just accept the fact that there is nothing any of us can do, it is a losing battle and there are many moles running around I am quite sure.

this is the crap I have been talking about for years. Quitters, and cowards that will not defend their rights. This is the same attitude from gun owners that brought us C-17, C-68 and this thievery we now face. We stand together and we fight this. And this from a guy with zero feedback and 4 posts.
this is the crap I have been talking about for years. Quitters, and cowards that will not defend their rights. This is the same attitude from gun owners that brought us C-17, C-68 and this thievery we now face. We stand together and we fight this.

I have noticed a big difference in the average gun owner since the abuse of the 1990's until now. I agree with what you're saying. Screw pvc pipe, I'm fighting this and doing my part legally to make it extremely painful if not impossible for Australian style disarmament. It should be painful for them to do stuff like this, not easy and fun.
Each province is broken down into a division represented with a letter. E division is B.C., K division is Alberta. You can find more info on division lettering on Google.
Count me in.!! This old guy always has 1 more fight left in him. Just name the time and place. I refuse to go down without throwing a punch. This gun law crap beating up law abiding gun owners is BS!!!!��⚖☠
How is a legal citizen in Canada even begin to know what's bull#### and what's not these days. I have like 2 of these mags. If they are illegal I want to know the truth. Can you do us all service and find out if this is reality or fiction?
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