RCMP "E" Division Broadcast reguarding Ruger 10/22 rifle magazines.

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Might as well make turbo chargers on vehicles illegal since many people have died as a result of being hit with a vehicle that had a turbo in it.

They've tried that. In that case though the auto manufacturers stood up for their industry.
This is the letter that I e-mailed today to my two local CPC MPs

Good day Gentlemen

Let me first of all give you some basic background.

The Ruger 10/22 is a semi auto non restricted rifle in caliber .22LR. This rifle is extremely popular in Canada, most rural households with firearms will have at least one. I believe these rifles have been available since the “seventies”.

As a semi auto rim fire rifle there are no magazine limits in law. Aftermarket 35 and 100 rd magazines have been freely sold for years, are extremely popular and legal to possess and use.

The Ruger 10/22 “Charger” is a short barrel version of the rifle and is classified as a Handgun due to the short barrel. This has been available since approx 2007, this firearm is not very popular and magazines made specifically for this firearm would be prohibited if they held more than ten rounds.

The “E” Division Broadcast below would have us believe that there has been some change in law to make all Ruger 10/22 magazines that hold more than 10 rounds prohibited because they will fit into a carbine. This is contrary to all previous RCMP communications concerning magazine capacity and the law.

My understanding is that Parliament is in summer recession and therefore is in no position to change the law or make new regulations so unless this “Broadcast” is based on a court decision it has no basis in law.

In my opinion the RCMP have changed their interpretation of existing regulations and are trying to intimidate Canadian citizens into believing this is law.

We operate Wolverine Supplies in the RCMP “D” Division area and we have heard nothing directly on this issue.

Please investigate this issue and advise so that we can continue to operate within the law.


Best Regards
John Hipwell
Wolverine Supplies[/QUOTE]

First, thanks for your efforts here on all our behalves.

With that said, do you, or anyone else here, know if it has ever been considered, or even suggested, that they simply [b]prohibit the use of these magazines in pistols?[/b] It seems like a (dare I say it...) [I]logical[/I] approach to take. There are apparently over a million of these 25-round mags, (now add the 50 and 110 rd drums), owned by likely tens of thousands of licenced, law-abiding citizens. Instead criminalizing everyone overnight, or expecting them to go to the expense and hassle of pinning them, why not publish an OIC stating that; "[i]the use of any "dual use"[/i] [SIZE=1](as they call them...)[/SIZE] [i]mags with a capacity of more than 10 rounds in a pistol is prohibited.[/i]" (and anyone caught violating this order will be shot and pissed on, jailed for life, yadda, yadda, yadda...)

There... problem solved.
Just a little historic detail here for some folks. The "adjustment" to Special Bulletin No. 72 (2013-09-05) that slipped in was a result of the packaging on the BX-25 magazine where Ruger stated it was for the 10-22 and the Charger pistol at that time. It was this wording that resulted in the prohibition via Bulletin 72 and specifically the BX-25. Butler Creek and others were always "for 10-22" rifle only and thus the ignoring of the other 10+ magazines. Shortly after this, Ruger dropped the reference to the Charger on the packaging. Both the current BX-25 and BX-15 packaging have no references. This fact IMHO is why the lab rat has anointed the "10-22 platform" in the new slant on an 10+mags.

My personal view of the charger is that it is by no means a pistol..Ruger makes many fine and genuine pistols. The charger is a sawed-off rifle and should be regulated as such, total length under 26.5 in and barrel less than 16 1/8 inches. Totally a rifle action
Still does not make sense. If they are saying these have always been prohibited for the last few years. How can they even be legally imported and sold unpinned. Would not their SKU be listed in a customs database somewhere preventing them from being imported?
God damn Charger !!! why the f**k did Ruger made it ? To sell a few thousand of Charger they screwed up several thousand of 10/22 and SR22 owners. They should have know the" big Bucks " at the RCMP woud use it a a meat bone to screw us up a some more !

Dammit !!!

It doesn't matter that it was ruger who made the charger. According to the rcmp, if a pistol is commonly available(I guess their definitions of "commonly available" is "has an FRT") to use the mags, then the mag is prohibited.

Now all the anti-guns of this country have to do is come up with pistols who use the same mags as every rimfire rifles.
Make an MK22-pistol that uses ISSC MK22 mags => MK22 mags have to be pinned to 10.
Make a 795-pistol that uses Marlin 795 magazines => 795 mags have to be pinned to 10.

Same goes for STG44 from STG, Mossberg Blaze, Remington 597, Pietta PPS50, and probably a bunch more I don't even know about. At some point, some anti-gun organization will end up actually manufacturing pistols. Heck, the rcmp lab themselves could just manufacture them, fast-track the FRT, and within a year or two not a single magazines in canada will be left unpinned.
I'll donate money to sue them just tell me where to send it, CSSA? We either have to stand up against this bullying in court or take to the streets in an old fashioned uprising. The last option is give up and suffer death by 1000 cuts, actually they'll probably just do it in 5-10 before they talk about how dangerous it is to have a knife over 7 inches.
This is very very troubling. But, what's more troubling is the (truly Canadian) nature of our community...... we will all ##### and whine online while a select few like John actually try to do something. How many thousand members on this forum? yet how few thousand signatures on the AR petition a while back?? This is the beginning of the end for gun lovers, UNLESS we all get off our ass and do something. Seriously, can everyone that just read through 20 pages of an online forum not find the time to call their MP??? My MP is a liberal so I will make several calls and try to speak slowly so they totally understand.
This is very very troubling. But, what's more troubling is the (truly Canadian) nature of our community...... we will all ##### and whine online while a select few like John actually try to do something. How many thousand members on this forum? yet how few thousand signatures on the AR petition a while back?? This is the beginning of the end for gun lovers, UNLESS we all get off our ass and do something. Seriously, can everyone that just read through 20 pages of an online forum not find the time to call their MP??? My MP is a liberal so I will make several calls and try to speak slowly so they totally understand.

Ive gone and seen my local MP, called and emailed the one in the house for nl, and fet told a straight out line to settle the cattles minds, I told em that isnt good enough and wanted to go higher that they were, I got hung up on, ive signed that Ar petition, and got many a friend convinced to sign aswell, now if they did upto them
I'll donate money to sue them just tell me where to send it, CSSA? We either have to stand up against this bullying in court or take to the streets in an old fashioned uprising. The last option is give up and suffer death by 1000 cuts, actually they'll probably just do it in 5-10 before they talk about how dangerous it is to have a knife over 7 inches.

Death by 1000 cuts is exactally what is occuring. Its the frog in a slowly boiling pot of water sceanario.
Are we allowed to copy and paste that to our MP's?

If you are talking about my first post? Yes, you most welcome, please note I had an error which I only just corrected.

If you will pardon the pun, it certainly seems like "E" Division was jumping the gun. It would appear that no other RCMP Division have said anything, we as a business have recieved no notifications at all. All very suspicious, I think this was a set up to get a court ruling in order to set a precedent, a very dangerous move from our prospective .
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