CSSA & CSAAA Join to start legal action- Ruger 10/22 mags

People owning a Ruger 77/22 also need to be aware - I don't own a 10/22 but I do own a 77/22 and the BC magazine fits just fine in a Ruger 77/22 (and predates the "pistol" if I am correct) and with a bit of juggling into a Ruger American - perhaps the magazine should be described as a Ruger 22 Rifle magazine - ie bolt action and/or semi. Anti's seem all wound up about semi's - I just want to shoot my bolt action 22 and not have to carry extra magazines that I tend to lose for some strange reason.
New member and a $100 donation for the cause. . . Hopefully our lovely community can find it in their selfish little hearts to agree on something for a change and all chip in.
I'm a CSSA member and I sent them some money today. Let's hope they can put this nonsense to rest sooner than later.

Tomorrow will be a call to my MP...
As soon as I'm able, I sure will be. This pay period not so good... :(

I hear you.
Those of us who can afford to donate must reach into our pockets as deeply as we can to support not only ourselves but also those who don't have the means to donate right now.

But you can get in this fight: write a letter to your MP, Ralph Goodale and the PM's office.
No emails, no online petitions. Put your thoughts to paper. And always be a gentleman about it.
New member and a $100 donation for the cause. . . Hopefully our lovely community can find it in their selfish little hearts to agree on something for a change and all chip in.

I can't stress this enough: we must come together as a community, we must be ORGANIZED AND UNITED.
The CSSA and CSAAA are giving us a vehicle to do this. Join and donate what you can.


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