Instructor Recommendations for CFSC in Toronto


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To the best of my knowledge, this is the relatively comprehensive list of instructors for CFSC in Toronto.

There are around 30 instructors in total and I am unfamiliar with any of them, so any recommendation towards one of them would be much appreciated.
My preference is for the standalone 10 hour PAL course to be a full day on the weekend and not cost over $200. Very few of the instructors listed their full availabilities on the FSESO website unfortunately and don't seem to have a personal website to check times or prices on.
Lots of parking across the street. Actually he will ask u to park across the street, so as to not piss off the neighbouring businesses. Great guy,,
I can't speak for the other guy in York, as I havnt been there :(
I'm with JimDO in recommending Walter Bent. I did both of my courses with him many years ago and he's top notch as far as I'm concerned
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+ 1 for Walter Bent. I did my OHEP with his group this weekend and they were great. Very knowledgeable, personable and humorous. I did my CFSC with someone else and the experience wasn't nearly as good.
Ready Aim Firearms Safety. Very happy with the course and very good to deal with.

I could not get them to return my emails or phonecalls - about a dozen contact attempts in total. So I went elsewhere.

I can recommend Gunner Couce. I did the courses with him in Burlington...not sure if he teaches closer to Toronto or not, if Burlington is too far for you.
I went to buckeye in Uxbridge, and really had a ball. The guys who run the place are a blast.
I also went to Buckeye because I was home for a week while working out east and wanted to get my restricted done on short notice. Very professional guys and a nice set up! Also had a blast and that's where I realized after handling a S&W 6" 586 for the first time that I am most certainly a full underlug revolver guy rather than a 1911 guy like I always thought I'd be...

Buckeye also has a very clear and concise webpage regarding their prices and scheduling. Other than the minor difficulty finding the place using gps I recommend them 100%.
Don't know if you're still looking, but another +1 for Walter Bent. Funny guy that really cares about the success of his students. TTC accessible if parking a huge problem for you. Although it is possible to park at the store front, there's probably only room for about one or two spots, and anymore you would be taking up the neighbouring spots which pisses them off. What I did was park across the street at the shoppers drug mart.
Just gonna update this thread with my own experience -- I ended up going to Buckeye in Uxbridge and can't say enough good things. The material can be pretty boring, but the guys who run the place are great and keep things interesting. Fantastic teachers, and they get your results back to you really fast. I think mine were back in less than two weeks.
I did at the Yorkregion firearm, it was a back to back two days session for both Non-restricted and restricted firearm.
If you live up north of GTA then it should be close to you.
They do not accept email appointment but phone call bookings are usually available.
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