Lee Enfields should we import them? westrifle.com

Would be interested in another BSA or Long Branch depending on condition. I couldn't see paying more than $600 regardless of condition if that's a helpful data point for your decision.
Oh yeah the Enfield aficionados are coming out of the woodwork for this...who's usernames you'd never normally see in a measly Red Rifle oriented forum!
Hey, I collect both!
If these are the rifles I'm thinking they are, then for them to be brought to Canada would be a very good thing.
Last time around they were priced to high per unit for a profit to be made, despite their condition. Hopefully AL can negotiate a better price this time.
Sporterized? No sale here.

A good used, unmolested, not-sporterized No.5 Mk I from the BSA factory... yes.

A good used, unmolested, not-sporterized No. 1 Mk III in the right serial number range... yes again.

Otherwise, no.
As others have mentioned. Condition, type, originality, manufacturer, matching numbers, all determine the $ figure...Get them all about right and they will sell....
We received an offer to buy 300 Lee Enfields. We are still arguing with a seller about the price. My question is should I import it to Canada or ship it to USA where I can get more money for it? Do you think Canada will pay the high price for those?

I can not reveal the price yet because I don't know if I can drop it down.
This post is useless without details.
Full wood No 1 mkIII with good rifling. $600-$800 max depending on condition (and only because my Dad used one in WW2).
Condition is the clear question, I would not buy them as dealer unless hand inspecting them unless you have a high enough margin to get sub par rifles up to par. This would be a hard deal to make. Your dealing with 70+ year old rifles with an ever dwindling parts supply... Keep in mind the market might dip if the Canadian rangers are allowed to keep them. Seems very good used no4 mark1 ones are around the 700 dollar mark. I would want it to be mint to pay 700, I think around 5-600 would get the most action and quick sales.
Westrifle the number of replies show there is interest, don't pay much attention to everyone saying they wont buy them if they are over X amount. Look at the recent batch of Finn M39's...there were the people screaming that they'd never move, and they sold out with in the week...If you build it they will come (bring em in!)
if there NOT sporterized im deffinetly interested. willing to pay premium if there " in factory grease"
We received an offer to buy 300 Lee Enfields. We are still arguing with a seller about the price. My question is should I import it to Canada or ship it to USA where I can get more money for it? Do you think Canada will pay the high price for those?

I can not reveal the price yet because I don't know if I can drop it down.

With that much information you won't get 300 people interested. You'll get many more than that curious.
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